Mercury-Free Dentistry: Enhancing Dental Health Safely with Your Trusted Miami Holistic Dentist

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Mercury-Free Dentistry: Enhancing Dental Health Safely with Your Trusted Miami Holistic Dentist

Do you know what lies beneath your fillings? With the rise of holistic dentistry, there’s an emerging demand for mercury-free procedures in oral healthcare. At Assure a Smile, Miami’s home for holistic dentistry, we have prioritized safe amalgam removal and mercury-free alternatives to create an improved landscape of dental health.


Have you ever wondered about the shiny silver bits in your older dental fillings? These are known as mercury amalgam fillings, which have been used in dentistry since the 1800s. However, the ‘shininess’ isn’t all that glitters, since these fillings contain approximately 50% mercury – a heavy metal known for its potential toxicity. Prolonged exposure to mercury, even in tiny amounts, has been linked to a myriad of health concerns, encompassing neurological, renal, and immunological issues, among others. This process may be intensified when you drink hot liquids or grind your teeth.


That’s why we, at Assure a Smile, are committed to creating a safer dental environment through mercury-free dentistry. Our experts conduct safe amalgam removal procedures using cutting-edge technology and following the strict guidelines laid out by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT).


Opting for mercury-free fillings is not just about eliminating the risks linked to mercury exposure – it is at the heart of holistic dentistry, which looks at oral health in the broader context of overall well-being. By avoiding potentially toxic elements in our treatments, we contribute to the overall health of your body, not just the mouth. Furthermore, our mercury-free alternatives, such as composite resin, porcelain, and ceramic fills, match the natural color of your teeth, enhancing your smile aesthetically too.


As your trusted Miami holistic dentist, Assure a Smile takes an integrated approach to oral health care. We believe that there is a clear link between oral health and overall body health, and our aim is to enhance each aspect hand-in-hand. Choosing a mercury-free dental care approach allows us to eliminate potential hazards while providing optimal oral healthcare. 


Taking advantage of our mercury-free options at Assure a Smile is a step towards healthier, safer dental care. As oral health gives a glimpse into the systemic health of the whole body, adopting a holistic


approach safeguards your wellness in all aspects. Step into our office to embrace a dental solution that prioritizes your entire wellbeing rather than just addressing isolated dental issues.


Ditch the outdated, potentially harmful amalgam mercury fillings and opt for the safer, mercury-free alternatives at Assure a Smile, your reliable Miami holistic dentist. Choose a dental practice that’s not only focused on creating radiant smiles but is genuinely invested in your comprehensive health. Embark on a wellness journey that begins with your smile and contributes to overall better health. When considering your dental care options, make a choice that your future self will thank you for. Choose Assure a Smile, where we promise mercury-free, comprehensive oral care with your overall wellbeing in mind.


To learn more about safe mercury filling removal, contact Assure a Smile online or call our friendly front desk directly at (305)723-9589.

By | 2024-06-11T18:31:02+00:00 June 11th, 2024|Mercury Free Dentistry, Miami holistic dentist|Comments Off on Mercury-Free Dentistry: Enhancing Dental Health Safely with Your Trusted Miami Holistic Dentist

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