Why Are Doctors Giving BVO to Expecting Mothers?

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Why Are Doctors Giving BVO to Expecting Mothers?

With nearly 60,000 passionate Twitter Followers, Vani Hari’s Food Babe account is committed to spreading awareness for the sometimes toxic and alarming things found lurking in everyday food items. As a holistic dental practice, Assure A Smile applauds Ms. Vani Hari’s admirable activism and supports her mission to investigate what’s in your food.
Most recently, Ms. Hari published this article on doctors who use a specific type of glucose tolerance beverage called Glucola. Currently, most doctors use Glucola to test expecting mothers for gestational diabetes. Testing for gestational diabetes is routine, and it is estimated Glucola has been used to test an overwhelming majority of pregnant women in the United States.
Why all the fuss? Glucola contains brominated vegetal oil (BVO) along with other chemicals and additives that are known to harm the body. Chemicals are easily passed from mother-to-child during pregnancy, placing unborn children at high risk for exposure and serious health issues.

What is Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO)

Brominated Vegetable Oil (BVO) is a food additive that many American companies use to prevent separation of sugar, water, and other ingredients in beverages. Most consumers will be shocked to learn that BVO is also used to make flame retardant solutions.
Although illegal in most of Europe and Japan, the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has failed to ban the substance. In total, BVO is banned in over 100 countries for being linked to the development of cancer, autoimmune disease, and thyroid disease.

Why Give BVO to Pregnant Women?

Doctors are giving BVO to pregnant women via Glucola, a solution that expecting mothers are instructed to drink while testing for gestational diabetes.
Natural, BVO-free Alternatives to Glucola
As a patient, you have the ability to question your physicians instruction to drink Glucola. In Ms. Hair’s article, the following all-natural and BVO-free methods are suggested to test for gestational diabetes, without the use of Glucola:

  • Eat real food (suggested: bananas)
  • Non-GMO jelly beans (approximately 28, free of artificial colors/dyes)
  • Avoid tests for gestational diabetes by monitoring your blood sugar levels with a glucometer. Please consult your physician for details.


Holistic Dentistry: Designed with Total Body Health in Mind

At Assure A Smile, we take a holistic approach to dental care that puts patient health first. Though primarily concerned with healthy smiles, we take all precautions necessary to prevent exposure to harmful toxins and materials. We never use mercury dental amalgam (silver fillings), fluoride, or other harmful products. All of our dental materials are bio-compatible to ensure maximum compatibility with the body.
To learn more about our holistic dentistry, call our friendly front desk at 305-274-0047. You may also schedule an appointment online.
Image Source:
Shocking: Why Are Doctors Recommending This Toxic Drink?

By | 2014-05-26T16:36:14+00:00 May 26th, 2014|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Why Are Doctors Giving BVO to Expecting Mothers?

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