Ozone Therapy: The Secret to Healthier Dental Care

/, holistic dentistry Miami/Ozone Therapy: The Secret to Healthier Dental Care

Ozone Therapy: The Secret to Healthier Dental Care

One of our most cutting-edge technologies for treating tooth decay and oral infections is the DOU120 Dental Ozone System. The DUO120 easily penetrates oral tissues to neutralize difficult-to-reach bacteria on the teeth and below the gum line using a basic yet effective combination of water and oxygen.

Due to their negative charge, ozone molecules are drawn to the areas of infection and inflammation in the mouth. They subject bacteria to a transient oxidative burst, which successfully eliminates harmful microorganisms. Additionally, ozone changes the pH of the mouth, which makes it harder for bacteria to proliferate and grow. Ozone has many benefits when used in dentistry, including:


Combat Cavities

Ozone can encourage the remineralization of your tooth enamel and stop small cavities from getting bigger.


Treat Gum Disease

When bacteria attack the gum tissue, gum disease results. These bacteria are eliminated by ozone, which can allow your mouth to recover.


Remove Oral Bacteria

During root canal therapy, ozone can eliminate bacteria inside a tooth, reducing the likelihood that a subsequent retreatment will be required.


As a holistic dentist in Miami, we are always on the lookout for new minimally invasive technologies that can improve the smiles of our patients from the inside out. We are pleased to offer the DUO120 to our patients in Miami, as ozone therapy is one of the newest and most advanced techniques for treating a wide range of oral health conditions.


To learn more about the benefits of holistic dentistry in Miami and how to create healthy habits for a healthier you, please visit Assure a Smile online or call our friendly front desk at 305-723-9589.

By | 2024-05-03T16:48:10+00:00 September 21st, 2022|holistic dentist Miami, holistic dentistry Miami|Comments Off on Ozone Therapy: The Secret to Healthier Dental Care

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