The Danger of Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

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The Danger of Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

The Danger of Sleep Apnea During PregnancyIn the wake of a new study, health professionals warn women who are pregnant to be aware of the risks of sleep apnea. This condition, which robs women of energy, oxygen, and quality rest, may have a profoundly negative impact on unborn children. Dental technologies like the DNA® Appliance may help by realigning the oral tissues, which may significantly reduce the intensity and incidence of sleep apnea over time.

Sleep Apnea, Pregnancy, & Health Risks

Following conception, a developing fetus is particularly vulnerable to stress. Stress comes in various forms, many of which can be difficult to control. Environmental noise, air pollution, and lack of sleep are just a few examples of stressors that can have a negative impact on the health of both mother and child during pregnancy. Health professionals are raising awareness for the latter, as new research demonstrates a rise in sleep apnea among pregnant women (i).
Pregnancy and sleep apnea share a common characteristic: Fatigue. During pregnancy, fatigue results from the miraculous biological shifts every mother experiences as her body changes to grow new life. Fatigue also contributes to sleep apnea, a condition in which soft tissues may constrict the airway at night. For some individuals, sleep apnea may cause poor sleep, erratic breathing, and shortness of breath. This may eventually lead to low oxygen levels, a side effect of sleep apnea that can be dangerous for a developing fetus. Pregnant mothers are urged to be aware of the 7 primary warning signs of low oxygen—a condition that should be immediately brought to the attention of an OB/GYN.

  1. Fatigue
    2. Snoring
    3. Gasping while trying to sleep
    4. Excessive daytime sleepiness
    5. Irritability
    6. Excessively dry mouth
    7. Asthma

Prevent Sleep Apnea with DNA® Appliance

As a holistic dental practice, Assure A Smile takes a unique approach to dentistry that treats the entire patient—not just the teeth and gums. This includes the use of dental technologies that correct issues undermining quality of life, like sleep apnea. We are pleased to offer products like the DNA® Appliance, which is designed to improve both the aesthetic and functional elements of the smile. Instead of focusing on just teeth, the DNA Appliance uses patented aligners to encourage the jaw, teeth, and soft tissue to slowly and naturally shift into realignment over time.
Visit the following article to learn more about the DNA Appliance.

Learn More About Miami Sleep Apnea Treatment

To learn more about orthodontics and sleep apnea treatment in Miami, contact Assure A Smile online or call our office directly at 305-274-0047. Our friendly staff is happy to address each of your dental, orthodontic, and holistic health inquiries.

By | 2016-03-29T15:17:10+00:00 March 29th, 2016|Dental Technology, Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on The Danger of Sleep Apnea During Pregnancy

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