Israel Announces End to Water Fluoridation

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Israel Announces End to Water Fluoridation

Israel has officially ended water fluoridation, stoking the controversial issue on the global scale. On one side are dentists and organizations (including the American Dental Association) that support water fluoridation, saying it is an effective way to prevent tooth decay. On the other side, a growing number of scientists and world-renowned research institutions object to the outdated practice, with some naming it a sloppy and ineffective form of medicine. Most alarming was a paper published by the Harvard School of Public Health in 2012, in which researchers issue a strong word of caution against the use of fluoride in public water systems.
“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious[…]” (i)
Israel’s statewide ban of the controversial mineral is a big victory for the fluoride free movement. The announcement to end water fluoridation was made last year by Health Minister Yael German. Despite backlash from certain Isreali medical and dental communities, German remained committed to the goal and effectively ended the practice on August 26th. In an effort to completely protect all of Israel, water fluoridation has been completely banned; even communities that are in favor of the controversial practice will not be permitted to engage in water fluoridation programs.

8 Reasons Why a Fluoride-free Israel is a Good Thing

If you find yourself uncertain of where you stand on the fluoride issue, consider the follow top 8 reasons why communities worldwide oppose adding fluoride to public drinking water.
1. Technically speaking, water fluoridation is a medical treatment. In the U.S., fluoride is classified as a ‘drug’ by the FDA.
2. It is unethical to provide a medical treatment without the consent of the recipient.
3. Exposure to the drug cannot be controlled. Although limits are set on how much fluoride can be added to water, there is no limit on how much water residents are allowed to drink. Moreover, each person has a unique threshold for fluoride exposure, beyond which exposure becomes toxic.
4. Fluoridated water is also used to make beverages, processed foods, and a number of other consumable products that people use each day. In this way, it is impossible to gauge exactly how much fluoride each person receives.
5. Alarmingly, newborn babies are at the highest risk of overexposure to fluoride. Although the fluoride content of tap water is “safe” for adults and children, it may contain up to 300 times the fluoride of natural mother’s milk (ii). Prominent fluoride-free leader and licensed physician, Dr. Paul Clennett, explains:
There are no benefits, only risks, for infants ingesting this heightened level of fluoride at such an early age, an age where susceptibility to environmental toxins is particularly high.”
6. An estimated 40-50% of ingested fluoride never leaves the body. Fluoride accumulation is known to cause a number of serious health issues. Dr. Jennifer Luke documented one such issue in the 1990s. In her research, Dr. Luke found fluoride accumulation to be most concentrated in the Pineal Gland of the brain, where her studies indicate it might disrupt natural sleep patterns and adversely affect the onset of puberty.
7. No one monitors fluoride exposure.
8. No single, randomized clinical trial has ever been conducted to demonstrate the safety or effectiveness of fluoride.
Perhaps the biggest reason to oppose fluoride: It simply is not necessary. Around the world, countries that do not allow water fluoridation have populations with perfectly healthy smiles. In fact, data collected by the World Health Organization shows that the populations of countries like Iceland, Italy, Japan, and Belgium have experienced a decline in tooth decay since their respective governments banned water fluoridation in the 1970s.

Fluoride Free Dentistry in Miami

Assure A Smile is proud to be a holistic, fluoride-free dental practice. Long term patient health and comfort are placed at the forefront of every exam, treatment, and procedure we perform. Toxic chemicals like fluoride and mercury-rich dental amalgam (silver fillings) are never used. Instead, patient exams and procedures are conducted using only biocompatible materials known to be less toxic and minimally invasive.
To learn more, schedule an appointment online or call our front desk directly at 305-274-0047. It is our pleasure to answer any questions you may have about fluoride free dentistry, holistic wellness, and the advanced technologies our practice uses to help Miami residents create Healthy Teeth and Gums for Life.
(i) “Impact of Fluoride on Neurological Development in Children.” Harvard School of Public Health. Published 25 July 2012.
(ii) “50 Reasons to Oppose Fluoridation.” Published on Accessed November 26th, 2012.

By | 2014-09-07T18:19:50+00:00 September 7th, 2014|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Israel Announces End to Water Fluoridation

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