Commit to Healthy Teeth and Gums

//Commit to Healthy Teeth and Gums

Commit to Healthy Teeth and Gums

Healthy Teeth and GumsThe oral cavity is the “gateway” to the body, a place where both healthy nutrients, as well as malicious bacteria, may enter.  In this light, it is easy to see why oral hygiene is so important.  Maintaining healthy teeth and gums is vital in eating well as they facilitate the consumption of healthy all-natural foods.  What’s more, strong oral health makes the body more resilient towards infectious germs and bacteria.

Thinking Holistic:  The Advantages of Good Oral Hygiene

It’s important to consider that oral hygiene does not protect just the teeth and gums.  Rather, oral hygiene may improve the overall health of the body.  When oral hygiene is strong, so too are the body’s natural defenses against bacteria and illness.  When oral hygiene is bad, the body becomes weak and everything will suffer.
Strong Teeth and Gums
It may seem obvious, but individuals with strong oral health also have strong and resilient oral tissues.  These include the teeth, the gums, and the jawbone, as well as all the tiny ligaments that connect everything and facilitate function.  Practicing good oral hygiene allows these tissues to flourish by effectively removing food particles, plaque, and bacteria from the oral cavity.
Better Emotional Health
Can brushing and flossing regularly increase emotional health?  Yes, it absolutely can!  Research suggests that about 70% of Americans are afraid to smile.  Reasons vary, but most individuals are simply embarrassed of the appearance of their teeth.  Our culture places great importance on the “pearly white” appearance of teeth, and this makes those with less-than-perfect smiles feel ashamed at times.  Building strong teeth and gums through sound oral hygiene can reverse this trend.  Proactively building healthier teeth and gums can build one’s confidence and make them more likely to smile and laugh.  Smiles and laughter releases a flood of healthy hormones that have long been tied to better emotional and physical health!
Improved Physical Health
Poor oral hygiene has been tied to poor overall health.  To illustrate, consider that researchers have identified a common bacterium in both gum disease and heart disease.  In short, this is evidence that the same bacterium that causes gum disease may also cause serious heart conditions.  For more, please visit our article titled The Link:  Cardio and Oral Health.
It is important to understand that bacteria may enter the body through the gum tissue and have a significantly negative impact on other body systems.

Methods for Promoting Good Oral Hygiene

It’s time to get back to basics!  Good oral hygiene starts with routine.  We all know the drill, and it starts with regular brushing and flossing the teeth.  But how do we improve our oral health even further?  Let’s look at the basics and transition into a few of the “big picture” ways to promote lifelong oral health:
Brushing and Flossing
Brushing and flossing remove food particles from the teeth before they have the chance to form plaque, bacteria, and decay.  Removing these particles is instrumental in preventing gum disease also, as bacteria that cause tooth decay may also infiltrate the gums to cause periodontitis.
Drinking Water
Water is needed to perform almost every vital process in the body.  From nutrient transportation (via blood) to energy production, water is the foundation of life.  Drinking plenty of water during meals may also reduce the incidence of tooth decay by washing food from the mouth before it latches to the teeth.  Additionally, drinking water instead of soda or fruit juice will reduce the incidence of cavities caused by consuming too much sugar.
It is well documented that smoking causes serious illnesses like heart disease and lung cancer.  Smoking may also have a direct impact on oral health; smoke dries the mouth and inhibits healthy saliva production.  A decrease in saliva makes it more difficult for the body to break down food particles.  This increases the chances they may become tangled in the teeth and gums, causing tooth decay and gum disease.

Assure a Smile: Helping Miami Create Healthy Teeth and Gums for Life

Assure a Smile is South Florida’s leading holistic dentistry practice.  Our team is fully committed to the health and education of our patients.  To learn more about holistic dentistry, please schedule an appointment online.  Our, speak with a holistic professional by calling our front desk directly at 305-274-0047!

By | 2018-07-30T07:00:25+00:00 July 30th, 2018|Gum Care|Comments Off on Commit to Healthy Teeth and Gums

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