A Quick Guide to Professional Dental and Wellness Associations

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A Quick Guide to Professional Dental and Wellness Associations

A Quick Guide to Professional Dental Associations Your Miami dentist is only as good as his or her commitment to ongoing education and professional development.  Dentistry is a dynamic field, and professionals must continually take proactive steps towards connecting with other professionals, learning about new technology, and staying in step with the latest news and trends.
One of the best ways to gauge your dentist’s commitment to his or her craft is by taking a good look at their professional associations.  Professional associations, like the American Dental Association, keep practitioners connected and add cohesion to the field overall.  These associations may also be the primary distributor of major medical news updates in some fields, placing even greater importance on the ways in which your health professional connects and works with their associations.
Assure a Smile has prepared this Quick Guide to Professional Dental and Wellness Associations to help patients learn more about the networks to which their dental professionals belong:
American Dental Association (ADA)
The ADA was founded in 1859, making it the largest and oldest national dental association in the world.  The ADA serves two primary functions:  First, it engages with the public to promote valuable oral health information.  Second, the ADA represents the dental industry in America.  Each month, the ADA publishes a collection of dental articles, research, and papers in the “Journal of the American Dental Association.”
American Academy of General Dentistry (AGD)
The AGD represents a large group of American and Canadian dental professionals.  Though a multi-national dentistry association, it ranks #2 in terms of size, second only to the ADA.
International Congress of Oral Implantology (ICOI)
The ICOI was founded in 1972 with a single goal in mind:  To help dental practices better serve their patients by providing the latest dental implant education to their entire dental team.  To date, the ICIO is the largest dental implant organization, comprised of general dentists, oral/ maxillofacial surgeons, periodontists, endodontists, and more.
World Clinical Institute of Clinical Lasers (WCLI)
The WCLI is led by an Executive Board and Professional Advisory Board led by some of the brightest and most well known doctors in the dental field.  Noteworthy members include past-president of the ADA, President Elect of the AACD, as well as other forward thinking dental organization founders.  The goal of the WCLI is to advance dental laser technology, education, and procedures in an effort increase patient outcomes.

Assure a Smile Professional Associations

Assure a Smile proudly represents membership and continual engagement in each of the aforementioned professional associations, as well as the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology  (IAOMT), International Association of Mercury Free Dentists (IAMFD) and International Association of Orthodontists (IAO).
Assure a Smile is a holistic dentistry practice, meaning that we focus on overall patient wellness as reflected through the health of the teeth and gums.  Only by focusing on holistic wellness may a patient create truly strong teeth and gums for life.
Assure a Smile invites readers to visit Dr. Herrmann’s Doctor Profile Page right here on Assureasmile.com!  There, guests may find more information on Dr. Herrmann’s educational background, dental experience / certifications, and professional associations.
Are you looking for a holistic dental experience?  Assure a Smile offers premium dental services built on sound patient education and a focus on overall wellness.  To learn more about holistic dentistry, readers are invited to schedule an appointment online or call our office directly at 305-274-0047!

By | 2011-11-22T03:00:53+00:00 November 22nd, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on A Quick Guide to Professional Dental and Wellness Associations

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