Mercury in Your Mouth [Free Infographic]

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Mercury in Your Mouth [Free Infographic]

In 1991, the World Health Organization released a report confirming that the mercury content of dental amalgam (used for silver fillings) was the single greatest source of mercury pollution in non-industrialized settings. Since that time, health professionals and environmental scientists have pushed hard to have the material banned. Unfortunately, there is nothing illegal about putting this dangerous neuro-toxin in your mouth.
Learn more about the dangers of mercury-rich dental amalgam in the free infographic below. Tell us what you think in the Comments section below, and feel free to share our infographic using the Embed code located below the infographic.

Mercury in Your Mouth [Free Infographic]

How Mercury Affects Your Body

How Mercury Affects Your Body

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More on the Danger of Dental Amalgam

Patients are advised to always ask dental professionals about the restorative material that is being used for their procedure. Patients are also advised that dental amalgam– the metallic mixture that many dentists use to fill cavities and perform other restorative procedures– is mixed with up to 60% liquid mercury. And while the American Dental Association has not formally banned the practice, other health organizations around the world have called for the official “phase-out” of the potentially toxic material. In the United States, New York University College of Dentistry became one of the first major names to denounce the material, banning its use in university clinics while removing it from all curricula.

Bio-compatible dentistry at Assure A Smile.

At Assure A Smile, we have never and will never place patients in harms way by offering dental amalgam. Our Miami dentistry office takes a holistic approach, utilizing bio-compatible materials that are known to be safe and non-toxic.
To learn more about holistic, mercury free dentistry at Assure A Smile, contact our office at 305-274-0047.

By | 2014-07-31T10:29:50+00:00 July 31st, 2014|Holistic Dentistry, Mercury Free Dentistry|Comments Off on Mercury in Your Mouth [Free Infographic]

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