5 Reasons Why Your Teeth May Be Falling Out

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5 Reasons Why Your Teeth May Be Falling Out

If you’re experiencing loose or missing teeth, you may be wondering why. Loose or missing teeth can be a sign of something more serious than just needing a cavity filled. Here are five reasons why your teeth may be falling out, and how you can prevent them from happening.

Poor Oral Hygiene

Poor oral hygiene is one of the most common causes of teeth falling out. When plaque and tartar buildup on teeth, it can weaken them and cause them to decay. This can lead to teeth either breaking off or needing to be removed due to decay. To prevent this, make sure to brush and floss your teeth twice a day. Additionally, make sure to see your Miami holistic dentist for regular checkups and cleanings.


Accidents or injuries can cause teeth to fall out or become loose. If you’ve had an accident or injury that has resulted in a loose or missing tooth, you should see your Miami holistic dentist as soon as possible to get it checked out.

Gum Disease

Gum disease is caused by a buildup of plaque and tartar, just like poor oral hygiene. When it is left untreated, it can cause serious damage to the gums, which can lead to teeth becoming loose or falling out. The best way to prevent gum disease is to have regular checkups and cleanings with your Miami holistic dentist, and to maintain good oral hygiene.


As we age, our teeth can become more susceptible to decay and wear. Additionally, as our bones get weaker, this can cause our teeth to become loose or fall out. To prevent this, make sure to see your Miami holistic dentist regularly for checkups and cleanings.


Genetics can play a role in our oral health. If you have a family history of tooth loss or decay, you may be more likely to experience it yourself. If this is the case, make sure to see your Miami holistic dentist for regular checkups and cleanings. Additionally, you may need to take extra steps to protect your teeth, such as using a fluoride toothpaste and avoiding sugar.


If you’re experiencing loose or missing teeth, it’s important to see your Miami holistic dentist as soon as possible. They will be able to determine the cause of the problem and provide you with the best treatment plan for restoring your oral health.



To learn more about the benefits of holistic dentistry in Miami and how to create healthy habits for a healthier you, please visit Assure a Smile online or call our friendly front desk at 305-723-9589.

By | 2024-05-03T16:19:36+00:00 March 1st, 2023|holistic dentistry Miami, Miami holistic dentist|Comments Off on 5 Reasons Why Your Teeth May Be Falling Out

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