Preventing Arthritis Pain with Boron

//Preventing Arthritis Pain with Boron

Preventing Arthritis Pain with Boron

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a majority of Americans are likely to develop symptoms of arthritis over the course of their lifetime. Below are a few of the most eye opening arthritis-related statistics, gathered from
It’s been estimated that about 50 million Americans develop some sort of arthritis, as diagnosed by their primary care physician. Conditions include rheumatoid arthritis, gout, lupus, or fibromyalgia.
More than 1 in 5 Americans have doctor-diagnosed arthritis.
By age 65, the number of Americans who report having arthritis more than doubles to 50%.
Children: A reported 1 in 250 children (ages 18 and younger) have some sort of rheumatic condition, like arthritis.
The future: By 2030, health experts estimate that 67 million Americans will develop some form of arthritis after age 18.
With such widespread incidence of arthritis among developed nations, Americans cannot help but wonder: Why is this condition so prevalent, and what can be done to prevent it?

Boron, Aging, and Preventing Arthritis

Boron supplementation has recently grown in popularity, fueled primarily by convincing studies that show the mineral is vital for healthy aging. The most well-documented benefits of boron include:

  • Management of blood sugar (diabetes)
  • Regulation of healthy cholesterol levels
  • Prevention of psoriasis
  • Reduction of osteoporosis symptoms
  • Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis


Studies Show Boron Effective in Treating Arthritis

Perhaps the most noteworthy benefit of boron is its success in treating symptoms of arthritis pain. Such positive outcomes have been noted as early as 1986 by researchers, physicians, and individuals with rheumatic symptoms. Dr. Rex E. Newnham of Leeds, England, first documented this finding in a medical paper titled “The Art of Getting Well.” In it, Dr. Newnham explains:
“In countries where there are minimum amounts of available boron in the soil there is much more arthritis [among people]. In most developed countries, there are about 20% of people with some musculo-skeletal disease, which is generally arthritis. In places where there is more than usual boron in the soil, there is much less arthritis,” (i).
Dr. Newnham supports this claim with several examples of countries that have low levels of boron and corresponding populations with higher than average prevalence of arthritis. Among those countries are Jamaica, Mauritius, Fiji, and Northern Thailand. By contrast, Dr. Newnham notes that places like Israel, and the Jordan Valley in particular, have soil that is rich with boron and corresponding populations in which arthritis exists at much lower than average levels.
Dr. Newnham took things a step further in his follow-up book, titled “Beating Arthritis and Beating Osteoporosis,” proving that the boron-deficient soil and increased arthritis are not a mere coincidence. In the book, he notes that an overwhelming 95% of patients report significant relief from arthritis pain within 1-3 months of starting a boron supplement regimen. Health experts believe this outcome is due to boron’s ability to improve calcium reuptake, which in turn improves bone and joint health.

Boron Receives Praise from Arthritis Research Institute of America

Today, researchers and medical professionals continue to follow-up on Dr. Newnham’s studies on boron and arthritis. According to the Arthritis Research Institute of America, 50% of patients who are given a boron supplement report a dramatic decrease in arthritis-related pain (ii).
Additionally, there continues to be evidence in support of Dr. Newham’s claim that arthritis rates are high in areas with boron-deficient soil, but low in regions where the population receives a healthy amount of boron each day. According to the Arthritis Research Institute, the incidence of arthritis is 20-70% higher where boron intake is less than 1mg per day, but it is virtually nonexistent in locales where people ingest 3-10 mg per day (iii).

Boron and Oral Health

You do not have to suffer with arthritis to benefit from boron, however. In fact, boron can benefit oral health in much the same way it benefits those with arthritis. Because boron demonstrates a strong ability to improve natural calcium reuptake, the mineral also improves the re-mineralization process by which tooth enamel is strengthened. In this way, boron acts as a catalyst that ultimately improves the delivery of calcium, phosphorous, and other minerals that are essential for healthy teeth.

A Holistic Perspective on Nutrition, Dentistry, and Wellness

At Assure A Smile, we take a holistic approach to dentistry that focuses on empowering patients to make lifestyle choices that will have a profoundly positive impact on not just oral health, but on mental, emotional, and physical health as well.
We believe patients and their smiles will enjoy a much healthier lifestyle through proper nutrition, diet, and care. As a holistic dentistry practice, we offer minimally invasive procedures that use biocompatible materials and reduce patients’ exposure to toxins. To experience holistic dentistry firsthand, readers are invited to contact our friendly front desk at 305.274.0047.
(i) “Supplement to ‘The Art of Getting Well.'” The Arthritis Trust of America. Accessed 16 September 2013.
(ii) “Daily Supplements of Boron Reduce Pain from Osteoarthritis.” Arthritis Research Institute of America. Accessed 27 September 2013.
(iii) See above.
(iv) “Benefits of Boron in the Diet.” Accessed 16 September 2013.

By | 2013-10-01T09:35:08+00:00 October 1st, 2013|Nutrition|Comments Off on Preventing Arthritis Pain with Boron

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