5 Cool Truths About Your Tooth

//5 Cool Truths About Your Tooth

5 Cool Truths About Your Tooth

Did you know, the average American spends about 38 days brushing teeth over his or her lifetime.
Let’s take a look at 5 more unusual facts about teeth:

  1. Visiting the dentist at least twice a year is imperative for dental health.
  2. We buy 18 yards of dental floss a year. We should buy 122 yards.
  3. A Middle Age custom was to kiss a donkey for toothaches.
  4. Tooth enamel is the hardest part of the human body.
  5. One-quarter of adults in the US have lost all their teeth.

Assure A Smile: Miami Holistic Dentistry
At Assure A Smile, we partner with our patients to help them develop healthy, natural, and effective oral hygiene habits as part of an overall wellness strategy and holistic healthcare approach. To learn more about the importance of holistic healthcare and how to develop healthier habits for a better you, please contact us online or call us at 305-274-0047.

By | 2018-03-12T07:00:56+00:00 March 12th, 2018|Oral Health|Comments Off on 5 Cool Truths About Your Tooth

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