Not Just Kid Stuff: Almost 1/3 of Orthodontic Patients are Adults

//Not Just Kid Stuff: Almost 1/3 of Orthodontic Patients are Adults

Not Just Kid Stuff: Almost 1/3 of Orthodontic Patients are Adults

Childhood is filled with laughter and smiles. But you don’t stop smiling when you become a grown-up. You don’t stop talking or eating either. Good oral functioning and a beautiful smile can improve your quality of life no matter how old you are. That is why so many adults seek orthodontic treatment.
We may understandably associate braces and orthodontia with tweens and teenagers. After all, it is something of a rite of passage for many young people. But the idea that orthodontics is just kid stuff is not supported by the facts. Almost one out of every three people receiving orthodontic treatment is an adult, and those numbers are increasing every year.
According to a study from the American Academy of Orthodontists (AAO), the number of adults in the U.S. and Canada seeking treatment by orthodontists increased by about 16% during the two-year period from 2012 to 2014, with nearly 1.5 million adult patients opting to undergo orthodontic care and treatment. The AAO estimates that about 27% of all orthodontic patients are adults, with that percentage continuing to rise.
Why Are More Adults Getting Orthodontic Treatment?
Why has there been such an increase in adult orthodontic patients? In announcing the results of the report, the AAO’s president summed it up nicely:
“Thanks to innovative technology and techniques, many adults are pleasantly surprised when they learn about today’s treatment options, which can be almost imperceptible. It’s a common misconception that orthodontic care is just for adolescents. We have data showing that adults report improvements in their professional and personal lives after completing orthodontic treatment.”
Benefits of Adult Orthodontic Treatment
Many adults become orthodontic patients because they did not receive proper treatment for misaligned teeth or bite problems as a child, are unhappy with the results of treatment they did receive, or complications developed later.
Adult orthodontics can help resolve those problems and address a whole array of issues that will contribute to a better quality of life, including:

  • Clearer speech
  • Improved chewing and oral function
  • Eliminating wear and tear from misalignment
  • Enhancing function with crowns and restoration
  • Minimizing risk of periodontal gum disease

No Need to Be Embarrassed
As the AAO president noted, new and proven advancements in orthodontic technology have made it so that adults no longer have to be worried about flashing a metallic smile at a business meeting or on a date. Many adult orthodontic treatments are virtually invisible.
One of the most popular adult treatments is Invisalign. Invisalign aligners are 100% clear. No one will have any idea you are wearing braces, and you won’t feel self-conscious or embarrassed when you smile. But the benefits of Invisalign go beyond their discrete appearance. They are comfortable, removable and, most of all, they work.
In addition to offering Invisalign at Assure A Smile, we also offer a revolutionary treatment for improving smiles in adults called the Daytime-Nighttime Appliance®, or DNA appliance®. Using a new concept called Epigenetic Orthodontics, the DNA Appliance helps patients create the smile of their dreams by enhancing the entire facial region. The device is completely removable and needs only be worn in the evening and at night to achieve desired results.
Schedule a Miami Orthodontic Appointment Today
Don’t let your age deter you from exploring options that can improve your smile and improve your life. For a personalized adult orthodontic consultation and treatment plan, contact Assure A Smile at 305-274-0047.

By | 2018-01-22T07:00:54+00:00 January 22nd, 2018|Oral Health|Comments Off on Not Just Kid Stuff: Almost 1/3 of Orthodontic Patients are Adults

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