bio-compatible dentistry

/Tag:bio-compatible dentistry

Limited Time Special on Bio-compatible Dental Implants

For a limited time, we are pleased to offer a special promotion on bio-compatible dental implants! Visit our Specials page for more information. Bio-compatible dental implants are a healthier, safer alternative for patients who elect to replace loose, missing, or severely damaged teeth. Dental implants are known to improve the overall functionality and aesthetics of your smile, and bio-compatible implants ensure such advancements are made without compromising patient health and wellness.

By | 2014-06-04T13:23:39+00:00 June 4th, 2014|News, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on Limited Time Special on Bio-compatible Dental Implants

Misconceptions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on making positive changes to the teeth and oral tissues. Unfortunately, patients sometimes see cosmetic dental procedures as unnatural, artificial, or unnecessary. An overwhelming amount of research suggests otherwise, indicating that cosmetic procedures can actually spur far-reaching improvements in holistic health. It's easy to see how cosmetic enhancements like bonds, dental implants, and orthodontics improve the structure, alignment, and physical health of the mouth. But studies also show cosmetic procedures help patients to live healthier and happier lives by providing less obvious improvements to mental and emotional well being.

By | 2014-01-21T10:28:34+00:00 January 21st, 2014|Cosmetic Dentistry|Comments Off on Misconceptions About Cosmetic Dentistry
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