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Can Prescription Medications Contribute to Tooth Decay?

Prescription medications often carry an array of unwanted side effects. For those who suffer with a gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease, those side effects might even include abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, irritability, ADHD, and arthritis. That’s because many prescription medications are coated with gluten, a wheat protein that causes more than 300 undesirable side effects for an estimated 3 million Americans (i). There is another side effect to gluten consumption that is often overlooked, even by those who suffer with allergy or Celiac disease. That side effect is oral decay, and it has the potential to lead to infection, gum disease (periodontitis), and increased risk of stroke and heart disease.

By | 2015-04-13T16:05:36+00:00 April 13th, 2015|Holistic Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Can Prescription Medications Contribute to Tooth Decay?

Why Is Tooth Decay Running Rampant Among American Children?

tooth decay is growing among American children between the ages of 2 and 11, a vital period that sets the stage for personal growth in teenage and young adult years. We’ve created this special guide so both parents and children can learn to better care for their teeth, gums, and total body health.

By | 2015-04-03T07:00:40+00:00 April 3rd, 2015|Holistic Dentistry, News, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on Why Is Tooth Decay Running Rampant Among American Children?

Scientific World Journal Calls for Critical Review of Fluoridated Public Water

A new article published in The Scientific World Journal has doctors, researchers, and health agencies from around the world reconsidering the potential harm caused by fluoridated public water. Water fluoridation is a controversial topic. On one side, the pro-fluoride lobby insists fluoride is essential in preventing widespread tooth decay. Fluoride proponents believe the mineral strengthens tooth enamel, making it more difficult for acid-producing plaque to cause cavities and dental caries.

By | 2014-04-25T19:38:26+00:00 April 25th, 2014|Fluoride in Your Water|Comments Off on Scientific World Journal Calls for Critical Review of Fluoridated Public Water

Japanese Researchers Invent ‘Tooth Patch’ to Prevent Tooth Decay

Japanese Researchers Invent ‘Tooth Patch’ to Prevent Tooth DecayIn Japan, scientists have created a new tool that many believe will help prevent tooth decay in the future. They call it the “tooth patch,” an ultra-flexible biocompatible film that scientists have designed to fit snugly over the surface of teeth. The film is made entirely of hydroxyapatite, the natural mineral from which tooth enamel is made. The developers of the tooth patch hope that it’s enamel-like composition will make it an effective shield to prevent tooth decay, as well as a restorative material that can be used to repair teeth with pre-existing cavities or dental caries.

By | 2012-11-12T21:04:54+00:00 November 12th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, News, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on Japanese Researchers Invent ‘Tooth Patch’ to Prevent Tooth Decay

How Does a Thyroid Disease Affect Oral Health?

How Does a Thyroid Disease Affect Oral Health?Thyroid conditions make it difficult for the body to produce and regulate a normal amount of very important hormones. This causes a ripple effect that may throw major organs and body systems out of sync. In terms of oral health, the side effects of a thyroid condition may cause serious changes in both the function and health of the tongue, teeth, and gums.

By | 2012-09-20T17:10:09+00:00 September 20th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on How Does a Thyroid Disease Affect Oral Health?
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