fluoride allergy

/Tag:fluoride allergy

Albuquerque Puts an End to Water Fluoridation

Albuquerque Puts an End to Water FluoridationThe first half of 2012 saw a major victory in the battle for fluoride-free public drinking water in the United States. In April, city officials in Albuquerque, New Mexico, elected not to increase the fluoride content of the community’s water. “We’re going to err on the side of caution,” remarked David Morris, a representative for the Albuquerque Water Authority (i). The decision triggered a ripple effect that stirred debate in neighboring communities, causing public officials and residents alike to reconsider the widely held notion that fluoride is a “healthy.”

By | 2012-08-06T03:00:15+00:00 August 6th, 2012|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Albuquerque Puts an End to Water Fluoridation

Can You Be Allergic to Fluoride?

Can You Be Allergic to FluorideThough there is much debate whether fluoride is helpful or harmful, studies have shown that people have hypersensitive reactions to fluoride. As recognized by the Physicians' Desk Reference (1994, 48th Edition, p. 2335-6), these symptoms include gastric distress, headache, joint pain, lethargy, mouth lesions, skin rashes, visual disturbances and weakness. The book also says, “These hypersensitivity reactions usually disappear promptly after discontinuation of the fluoride." Assure a Smile has prepared this research article to spread awareness for fluoride allergy and to provide patients with alternative methods of preventing tooth decay.

By | 2020-07-23T20:56:50+00:00 July 3rd, 2012|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry, News, Oral Health, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Can You Be Allergic to Fluoride?
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