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Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The health benefits of apple cider vinegar are well documented. Despite a growing body of research supporting these health benefits, many Americans are still unaware of this simple yet powerful type of vinegar. In this article, we review a few key health benefits and offer tips for anyone interested in making apple cider vinegar a bigger part of daily nutrition.

By | 2016-05-16T03:57:02+00:00 May 16th, 2016|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Happiness

There is a well-documented link between smiling, happiness, and overall quality of life. In one study, researchers found that healthy adults who reported high levels of life satisfaction also happened to be smiling in high school yearbook photos. Other studies show similar correlations between gum health, happiness, and life satisfaction. Read more to learn simple ways to improve health, strengthen teeth, and build happiness!

By | 2016-04-11T03:32:07+00:00 April 11th, 2016|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Happiness

8 Astonishing Things You Never Knew About Your Teeth and Gums

Smiles are truly amazing. The entire oral anatomy—from teeth to gums and tongue—is an instrumental part of the human experience. From forging positive first impressions to chewing delicious and nutritious foods, our teeth and gums play an integral role in the enjoyment of everyday life. Yet, there is much that goes unknown, or unappreciated, about our oral anatomy. Take a moment to review the following facts about teeth, gums, and holistic health. Then, consider how your oral health might benefit from simple changes to daily routine.

By | 2015-05-29T10:47:08+00:00 May 29th, 2015|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on 8 Astonishing Things You Never Knew About Your Teeth and Gums

Can Prescription Medications Contribute to Tooth Decay?

Prescription medications often carry an array of unwanted side effects. For those who suffer with a gluten sensitivity or Celiac disease, those side effects might even include abdominal pain, weight loss, fatigue, irritability, ADHD, and arthritis. That’s because many prescription medications are coated with gluten, a wheat protein that causes more than 300 undesirable side effects for an estimated 3 million Americans (i). There is another side effect to gluten consumption that is often overlooked, even by those who suffer with allergy or Celiac disease. That side effect is oral decay, and it has the potential to lead to infection, gum disease (periodontitis), and increased risk of stroke and heart disease.

By | 2015-04-13T16:05:36+00:00 April 13th, 2015|Holistic Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Can Prescription Medications Contribute to Tooth Decay?
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