

Japanese Researchers Invent ‘Tooth Patch’ to Prevent Tooth Decay

Japanese Researchers Invent ‘Tooth Patch’ to Prevent Tooth DecayIn Japan, scientists have created a new tool that many believe will help prevent tooth decay in the future. They call it the “tooth patch,” an ultra-flexible biocompatible film that scientists have designed to fit snugly over the surface of teeth. The film is made entirely of hydroxyapatite, the natural mineral from which tooth enamel is made. The developers of the tooth patch hope that it’s enamel-like composition will make it an effective shield to prevent tooth decay, as well as a restorative material that can be used to repair teeth with pre-existing cavities or dental caries.

By | 2012-11-12T21:04:54+00:00 November 12th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, News, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on Japanese Researchers Invent ‘Tooth Patch’ to Prevent Tooth Decay

Vitamin B: A Holistic Overview

Vitamin B:  A Holistic OverviewB vitamins are a group of water-soluble vitamins —meaning that our body does not store them so we need to obtain them from food or supplements. We need to regularly replenish most of the B vitamins, as our body excretes any excess through the urine. The B vitamins were once thought to be a single vitamin, but research has shown that it is actually a group of vitamins:

By | 2012-03-06T03:00:36+00:00 March 6th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on Vitamin B: A Holistic Overview
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