

Dentists Weigh-in on Sun Exposure Myth

If you live in Miami, chances are good that your doctor has warned you about spending long hours in the hot Florida sun. You’ve probably also been cautioned to used a thick sunscreen with SPF 30 or more, and to reapply the lotion every 30 to 60 minutes to avoid sunburn and melanoma (skin cancer). With all the hearsay and confusion surrounding the subject of sun exposure and health, you might even find yourself taking refuge in the shade, just to play it safe. Avoiding the sun can be extremely detrimental to long-term health, however.

By | 2014-07-15T22:38:44+00:00 July 15th, 2014|Holistic Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Dentists Weigh-in on Sun Exposure Myth
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