kidney disease

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Fluoride, ADHD, and Tooth Decay

Over-exposure to fluoride is common and may cause a variety of serious side effects, including dental fluorosis (permanent discoloration of enamel), thyroid disease, kidney disease, and lowered IQ in children, just to name a few. Now, a new study links fluoride consumption with increased rates of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) among children.

By | 2015-03-12T15:20:00+00:00 March 12th, 2015|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Fluoride, ADHD, and Tooth Decay

Wichita Paper Misleads Residents, Says Harvard Fluoride Study is ‘Not Applicable’

Wichita Paper Misleads Residents, Says Harvard Fluoride Study is ‘Not Applicable’Is adding fluoride to public drinking water a good thing? For many, the answer seems obvious: Yes. Television commercials, oral hygiene products, and even traditional dentists actively endorse fluoride as a safe and effective way to prevent tooth decay. Many are surprised to learn, however, that there is no clinical evidence to support such a claim. The tide is beginning to turn, and communities across America are putting an end to water fluoridation programs that are not only a danger to residents, but also an unnecessary cost to the municipality.

By | 2013-03-25T03:00:20+00:00 March 25th, 2013|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Wichita Paper Misleads Residents, Says Harvard Fluoride Study is ‘Not Applicable’

Fluoride and the Kidneys

Fluoride and the KidneysThe kidneys are believed to be the most important organ in the human body in the fight against long-term fluoride exposure. Healthy adult kidneys are able to excrete about 50 percent of ingested fluoride and are responsible for preventing toxic levels of fluoride from accumulating in the body. However, adults who have kidney disease excrete about 10 to 20 percent of ingested fluoride, which increases their body burden of fluoride and increases their likelihood of fluoride poisoning.

By | 2012-08-21T09:04:43+00:00 August 21st, 2012|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Fluoride and the Kidneys
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