Leaky Gut Syndrome

/Tag:Leaky Gut Syndrome

Minerals and Trace Minerals: Your Key to Naturally Strong Teeth and Gums

Most patients are shocked to learn that up to 5% [...]

By | 2018-08-06T07:00:32+00:00 August 6th, 2018|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition, Oral Health, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on Minerals and Trace Minerals: Your Key to Naturally Strong Teeth and Gums

3 Reasons Your Teeth Are Falling Out

Okay, so your teeth aren’t exactly falling out. But maybe they aren’t as strong as they could be, either. If you brush and floss regularly but still notice pain, sensitivity, and cavities when you go the dentist, this article is for you.

By | 2015-06-01T03:00:09+00:00 June 1st, 2015|Nutrition, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on 3 Reasons Your Teeth Are Falling Out

How to Heal a Leaky Gut, Part 2

How to Heal a Leaky Gut-Part 2Welcome to our follow-up article on how to reverse Leaky Gut Syndrome.Leaky Gut Syndrome occurs when the intestinal wall becomes damaged, allowing toxins, bacteria, undigested food, and other harmful agents to penetrate the abdominal cavity. Research is increasingly linking this condition with other serious health issues, ranging from abdominal pain to depression, bi-polar disorder, anxiety, and other mental health issues. In this article, we will examine ways to repair the damage caused by Leaky Gut Syndrome so the GI tract functions more optimally, and the risk of long-term health issues is significantly reduced.

By | 2013-10-15T09:38:55+00:00 October 15th, 2013|Nutrition, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on How to Heal a Leaky Gut, Part 2

How to Heal a Leaky Gut, Part 1

How to Heal a Leaky Gut Pt 1Leaky gut syndrome is a condition characterized by a damaged intestinal wall. As a result of this damage, the contents of the small intestine slowly leak into the abdominal cavity and circulate throughout the body. This can cause much larger health issues, because under digested food particles and bacteria can accumulate and disrupt normal, healthy body function. In the first installment of this 2-part series, learn more about Leaky Gut Syndrome and the 4 main activities that cause it.

By | 2013-10-08T07:50:56+00:00 October 8th, 2013|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on How to Heal a Leaky Gut, Part 1

6 Reasons to Go Gluten Free

6 Reasons to Go Gluten FreeDiet and oral health are connected in a number of interesting ways, and focusing on the former has an increasingly positive effect on the latter. Eating well sets the foundation for creating healthy teeth and gums for life, and oral health is promoted exponentially when daily food consumption is limited to the foods that are most healthy. Today, health professionals are compiling evidence that suggests food items like wheat, barley, and bread are causing serious health issues for a growing number of Americans. The evidence suggests that about 1% of the population has an adverse reaction to gluten, a protein found in most whole grains. This has prompted dental professionals to spread awareness for gluten by encouraging patients to consider how the wheat, barley, and other whole grains in their daily diet may be hurting overall health.

By | 2012-07-16T03:00:09+00:00 July 16th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry, Nutrition, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on 6 Reasons to Go Gluten Free
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