Wichita Eagle

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Freedom of Choice: Lessons Learned from Portland’s Fluoride-Free Victory

Freedom of Choice- Lessons Learned from Portland’s Fluoride-Free VictoryAt the end of 2012, Portland city council members met behind closed doors in an attempt to pass a public water fluoridation mandate. When word of the council’s plan leaked, citizens sprang into action, collecting an unprecedented 400,000+ signatures to bring the controversial decision to the public for a vote. Six months have passed since that time, and we're happy to announce that the residents of Portland have successfully voted to keep public water free of fluoride. So, what can we learn about Portland’s recent underdog victory against the pro-fluoride lobby?

By | 2013-06-10T12:49:19+00:00 June 10th, 2013|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Freedom of Choice: Lessons Learned from Portland’s Fluoride-Free Victory
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