Brushing Your Teeth May Prevent Alzheimer’s

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Brushing Your Teeth May Prevent Alzheimer’s


As time passes, it becomes increasingly clear that there is more to brushing your teeth than simply ensuring you don’t have unpleasant breath. Some new research shows that the bacteria responsible for causing oral diseases like gingivitis may be able to travel from the mouth to the brain, producing a protein that is capable of destroying brain cells, potentially resulting in memory loss and incurable diseases like Alzheimer’s.

In a separate study published in the Journal of American Heart Association, several common oral pathogens were found in patients that had suffered a stroke. For example, streptococci bacteria is considered harmless yet it may cause cardiac valve infection.

In yet another separate American Heart Association-related study, hypertension (the official term for high blood pressure) was linked to having poor oral hygiene.
In case you needed more reasons why it’s so important to brush your teeth every day, these recent studies certainly present a strong argument.

To read more, please visit

This update is by Assure a Smile, the longest-tenured holistic dental practice in Miami. Our top priority is to provide patients with all-encompassing oral health care that safely improves oral health and wellness. By helping patients look and feel their best through a holistic dentistry approach, we strive to empower patients to make informed lifestyle choices that result in strong teeth, healthy gums, beautiful smiles, and optimum vitality. For more information on holistic dental care or to schedule an appointment with a holistic dentist, please visit or call 305-274-0047.

By | 2019-06-10T19:18:47+00:00 June 10th, 2019|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry, Oral Health|Comments Off on Brushing Your Teeth May Prevent Alzheimer’s

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