U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Admits Fluoride May Harm Teeth

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U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Admits Fluoride May Harm Teeth

Fluorosis—a permanent discoloring of the teeth—is on the rise amongst teenagers, affecting a reported 41% of young boys and girls (i). In response to this statistic, the United States Department of Health and Human Services concedes that the fluoride content of public water should be lowered to about 0.7mg/L, a full 30% lower than the current legal threshold maintained by many communities in the U.S. Uncertain of the long-term effects, the Department of Health and Human Services says a follow-up evaluation will be conducted in 10 years to evaluate the impact the recent change has on the rate of fluorosis amongst America’s children.

Growing Opposition to Water Fluoridation

When water fluoridation programs were first formed in the 1950s, much was unknown about the long-term impact the controversial chemical would have on public health. According to the groundbreaking documentary, Fluoridegate: The Inside Story of Water Fluoridation, a former member of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) admits that the safety standards used to justify water fluoridation ignored “quite a bit of data on some critical toxicity points [about fluoride].”
Since the 1950s, a growing body of research has dramatically increased public awareness for just how dangerous water fluoridation programs can be. From discoloring teeth to causing serious hormonal imbalances, scientists have begun to link fluoridated tap water with a number of serious mental, physical, and emotional health issues. A few of the most alarming findings include:

  1. Fluoride causes fluorosis among children. Fluorosis is a condition characterized by a permanent staining/discoloration of tooth enamel. Increasingly, children are experiencing fluorosis as the result of over-exposure to fluoride.
  1. Fluoride accumulates in the Pineal gland, disrupting important physiological and cognitive processes. It is known that fluoride accumulates as you drink it, building and solidifying in the soft tissue of the body. In studying the affect of fluoride on the brain, Dr. Jennifer Luke discovered that fluoride accumulates most in the pineal gland, where it can disrupt the production of melatonin and the onset of puberty (ii).
  1. Fluoride appears to impair IQ among children. To date, numerous international research institutions and teams of scientists have completed a total of 43 independent studies that all link fluoride with lowered IQ in children (iii).
  1. Fluoride adversely affects thyroid function. In a recent study reported by Newsweek, English scientists have found that water fluoridation may increase the risk of developing hypothyroidism by up to 30%.
  1. Fluoride has been linked with increased rates of ADHD. In a study published by Environmental Health journal, researchers found that attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) rates were significantly higher in U.S. communities that employed public water fluoridation programs.

Most Americans are shocked to learn there is no clinical evidence to suggest that fluoride actually prevents tooth decay. However, there is a growing body of research that links fluoride with serious illnesses and side effects. This relationship has led Harvard researchers to classify the drug as similar to other heavy metals, like mercury, that cause “chemical brain drain,” (iv).

Fluoride Free Dentistry at Assure A Smile

Assure a Smile practices holistic dentistry, a minimally invasive approach that views the teeth and gums as representative of total body health. Our dental treatments use only safe, bio-compatible materials and are “fluoride-free” procedures.  To learn more about holistic dentistry, schedule an appointment with Assure a Smile online or call our friendly front desk at 305-274-0047.
(i) “Government Lowers Fluoride Level.” Fluoridealert.org. Accessed 1 May, 2015.
(ii) Luke, Jennifer M.D. Fluoride Deposition in the Aged Human Pineal Gland. International Center for Nutritional Research, Inc. ICNR.com.
(iii) See (i) above.
(iv) “Impact of Fluoride on Neurological Development of Children.” Harvard School of Public Health. Accessed 29 May 2013.

By | 2015-05-08T05:18:32+00:00 May 8th, 2015|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on U.S. Department of Health & Human Services Admits Fluoride May Harm Teeth

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