Assure a Smile Explores Holistic Dentistry

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Assure a Smile Explores Holistic Dentistry

Assure a Smile Explores Holistic DentistryHolistic dentistry is a field  that emphasizes alternative approaches to dental care that take into consideration the dental health of the patient involved and the overall effect of this on the whole body. There is also a body that was formed on this called Holistic Dental Association that provides guidance to holistic practitioners and other alternative dentistry. The body also informs the public on the benefits of going for holistic dentistry for their overall health and well-being.

Holistic Dentistry and Health Care

Holistic dentistry practitioners have the very same educational background and license as traditional dentists.  Holistic practitioners exceed traditional realms of thought by also learning of more general physical and mental fields of health.  This may include a diversity of subjects ranging from general nutrition to basic psychology.  An extended body of knowledge makes holistic dentists cognizant of the “big picture” of health.  Practitioners understand that a cavity does not merely need filled; rather, the underlying cause of the cavity must be found and alleviated to prevent future decay from occurring.
In this way, holistic practitioners have a view of contemporary dentistry that is refined by larger principles of physical and mental wellness.  A few noteworthy differences include the following:
Amalgam fillings
Holistic dentistry is strongly against the use of amalgam as a material in dental fillings as this is known to contain mercury and some other potentially toxic materials. Although the mercury is enclosed into the filling, it is found that mercury vapor escapes and this is then absorbed into the body. This is mostly the case when consuming hot foods and this increases due to the friction involved in chewing.
The mercury released then accumulates in some organs and this can also find its way into the maternal milk of a lactating mother. The accumulated levels will be low at first but these will increase with time and this eventually leads to some health problems more so when the immune system is compromised. Some of these health problems include:
1) Decreased kidney function
2)  Increase in antibiotic resistant bacteria present in the intestines
3) Muscle aches and dizziness among others
Root canal therapy
Inside a tooth is a dental pulp and this contains the nerves, veins, arteries and lymph vessels. This is a very major part of the tooth and when it is injured, the body tries to repair it but failure for the pulp to heal will see it die. This can happen if your tooth is fractured or if it has a deep cavity as this will expose the pulp to the bacteria found in the saliva. Root canal therapy is used to remove the affected nerve and the pulp from the tooth through drilling.
Holistic dentistry argues that after drilling out the affected nerves, there are some microscopic tubules that are left and these are impossible to fill. The bacterial in these tubules therefore continue to survive after the root canal therapy and they can escape from the tooth to other parts of the body where they can cause infections. This is why holistic dentistry recommends tooth extraction as an alternative to canal treatment.
Fluoride and fluoridation
Many toothpaste companies will advertise about the wondrous health benefits of fluoride in their toothpaste but holistic dentists are very much against this. They argue that there are no studies supporting this and also say that fluoride is a toxic substance that can cause harm to the body.
Generally, there are other dental practices that holistic dentistry is against and all these are meant for the general body health of the human being. One should also understand that the condition of your teeth and gums greatly affects your body health. Ensure that you have regular dental exams, brush and floss at least twice every day more so after meals.

Learn More About Holistic Dentistry with Assure a Smile

Assure a Smile encourages Miami and South Florida residents to make an appointment online or schedule an appointment over the phone at 305-274-0047.  We welcome new patients and offer a New Patient Cleaning Special to those who schedule online!  Visit the holistic professionals at Assure a Smile, and see firsthand the difference between holistic and traditional dentistry.

By | 2011-10-19T03:00:09+00:00 October 19th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on Assure a Smile Explores Holistic Dentistry

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