Do You Need Fluoride to Prevent Tooth Decay?

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Do You Need Fluoride to Prevent Tooth Decay?

Do You Need Fluoride to Prevent Tooth Decay?Miami dentists are quick to warn patients that fluoride is not necessary to prevent tooth decay.  In fact, numerous studies have recently indicated that Americans receive too much of this mineral.  Miami holistic dentists have long urged patients to keep a watchful eye-out for the 5 Most Common Sources of fluoride so as to limit exposure and prevent the development of associated illnesses.
The American Association of Poison Control reports that 378 cases of fluoride toxicity occurred in 2009 alone (i).  “Moderate” effects of fluoride over-ingestion were reported in 42 cases while “major” effects were seen in 2 cases.  Thankfully none of these hospital admissions resulted in death.  In the wake of these findings, it is increasingly important for dental patients, especially parents, to know the signs of fluoride overexposure.

Fluoride:  When You’re Getting Too Much

The following signs may be indications that an individual has been exposed to too much fluoride:

  • Fluorosis – a streaking/ discoloration of tooth enamel.  The Wall Street Journal recently reported an increased incidence of fluorosis among children, prompting parents to more closely monitor exposure to fluoridated toothpastes, mouth rinses, and other sources.
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal Pain
  • Headache
  • Tremors, Seizures, and Muscular Weakness

Healthy Teeth Without Fluoride

Developed nations have a history of adding fluoride to drinking water on the assumption that it strengthens tooth enamel and prevents tooth decay.  However, fluoridated water is not needed to create strong and health teeth.  Holistic dentistry holds that overall wellness is reflected through the health of the teeth and gums.  In this way, teeth and surrounding gum tissue may flourish healthily simply by taking proactive steps towards a overall wellness.
The following tips may help patients develop strong and healthy teeth without the use of fluoride:
Brushing – The oldest rule in the book.  You must clean your teeth regularly to keep them healthy and plaque free, and brushing is one of the best ways to do so.  Individuals typically brush once in the morning and once at night, however some may want to consider brushing a third time after a mid-day meal.
Flossing – Flossing, like brushing, is one of the most widely known ways to proactively prevent tooth decay.  Flossing removes food particles from hard-to-reach places between the teeth, greatly reducing the incidence of tooth decay.
Eating Well – Few people know that simple dietary changes can greatly reduce the development of tooth decay.  Reducing the amount of sugar and starches in your diet, for example, will lower the rate at which plaque, bacteria, and tooth decay develop.
Smoking – Smoking leads to dry mouth, a condition whereby saliva production is impaired.  Saliva breaks down food and may help to keep it from sticking to your teeth.  When saliva becomes scarce, food particles may increasingly stick to your teeth and provide a hospitable environment in which bacteria may grow.
Water – Consuming plenty of water helps to regulate a number of important body processes.  Drinking water with every meal may help with the ingestion of food while reducing the amount of food that becomes stuck and/or tangled between the teeth.

Holistic Dentistry

Holistic dentists are committed to educating patients about the larger systems contributing the oral health.  To better illustrate this idea, visit our Meridian tooth chart and see how the health of individual teeth is linked with other organs and body systems!
Schedule an appointment with a holistic professional at Assure a Smile to learn more about the all-natural ways to create healthy teeth and gums for life!

By | 2011-08-17T02:00:27+00:00 August 17th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on Do You Need Fluoride to Prevent Tooth Decay?

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