Everything You Need to Know About Thanksgiving Food and Oral Health

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Everything You Need to Know About Thanksgiving Food and Oral Health

Many look forward to Thanksgiving for the spread of delicious food that awaits them. While some families have traditions of shaking things up when it comes to the holiday menu, many people choose to keep tradition with the typical sides and desserts, and of course, the Thanksgiving turkey. No one can deny that the food is amazing, but are your favorite dishes healthy for your teeth?


Turkey is one of the best Thanksgiving dishes health-wise. It is full of protein, and depending on how you dress it, is relatively low fat. However, it can be tough to eat since it easily gets caught in between your teeth. This is especially true for those with braces or retainers. Make sure to bring floss!


Yams, or sweet potatoes, are full of vitamin A and vitamin C, which are exceptional for gum health. They can be prepared in various ways, but exercise caution if covered in marshmallows and sugar. Sugaray/sticky food sticks to your teeth longer, building up plaque. The same is true of macaroni and cheese since white-based pasta is starchy, leaving sugar on your teeth.


Mashed potatoes are good in the sense that potatoes are full of vitamin C, vitamin B6, and potassium. However, they are still quite starchy, leaving behind sugar on your teeth, much like macaroni and cheese or yams. Remember, cavities thrive in the bacteria on your teeth brought on from plaque build-up.


Treat yourself and allow yourself to enjoy your Thanksgiving meal, just do not go overboard. It is okay to indulge in some of your favorite holiday dishes.


Questions about what you should eat for Thanksgiving with Invisalign, braces, retainers, or certain oral health issues? Contact your holistic dentist in Miami at Assure a Smile, holistic dentistry in Miami. We are happy to help answer your questions!

By | 2024-05-11T16:52:05+00:00 November 22nd, 2021|holistic dentist, holistic dentist Miami, Holistic Dentistry, holistic dentistry Miami, News, Oral Health|Comments Off on Everything You Need to Know About Thanksgiving Food and Oral Health

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