Could Garlic Help With Painful Dental Issues?

Could Garlic Help With Painful Dental Issues?

Garlic is a superfood. It can help boost our immune systems, working hard to improve the health of our vital organs. Not to mention, it can transform a meal, making it a top culinary cuisine. Garlic has been used for centuries to liven up the kitchen, but it can also act as a natural treatment for tooth pain.

If you are experiencing toot, gum, or other pains in the mouth, contact your holistic dentist in Miami first. You may have underlying issues causing the pain, such as tooth decay, gum disease, or a minor-chipped tooth.

The compound allicin is what makes garlic a good at-home remedy to try for tooth pain. It is known for having antibiotic properties, helping heal issues in the teeth that are causing you discomfort. By helping boost the immune system, it triggers your body’s response to infections and the like.

Raw garlic will give you the best benefit. Some suggest taking a peeled clove of fresh and raw garlic and applying it directly onto the sore tooth. Other studies show that a paste of olive oil, salt, and a few raw garlic cloves applied directly onto the tooth can work. Of course, eating it regularly may help keep your immune system strong and fight off any future infections.

Want more tips like these? Assure a Smile, holistic dentistry in Miami, features weekly posts on our blog that bring you the best holistic dental tips around – not just for your oral health, but your overall health too.

By | 2024-05-11T16:54:57+00:00 November 17th, 2021|holistic dentist, holistic dentist Miami, Holistic Dentistry, holistic dentistry Miami, News, Oral Health|Comments Off on Could Garlic Help With Painful Dental Issues?

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