Sugar Substitute Xylitol Linked to Increased Cardiovascular Risk

//Sugar Substitute Xylitol Linked to Increased Cardiovascular Risk

Sugar Substitute Xylitol Linked to Increased Cardiovascular Risk

Concerns regarding xylitol, a popular low-calorie sweetener, and its possible effects on cardiovascular health have been brought up by recent studies. Consuming xylitol has been associated in a number of studies with an elevated risk of cardiovascular and thrombotic events, which should serve as a significant caution to both consumers and medical professionals.

Metabolomic Studies and Xylitol
Higher xylitol intake is correlated with a higher risk of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), according to a comprehensive metabolomic investigation. The Cleveland Clinic’s Lerner Research Institute’s Dr. Stanley L. Hazen led the study, which discovered a 57–80% increased risk for people with high blood xylitol levels. The European Heart Journal publication of this study emphasizes how vital it is to reevaluate the usage of xylitol in common foods and beverages.

Mechanistic Animal and Human Studies
Studies using animal models have shown that xylitol stimulates the formation of thrombosis and raises platelet reactivity. A human intervention trial including ten healthy participants confirmed these results. According to the study, drinking a beverage sweetened with xylitol dramatically raised platelet activation in comparison to drinking a beverage sweetened with sugar.

Dr. Hazen underlined the significance of doing more research on sugar alcohols and artificial sweeteners, particularly because these substances are frequently prescribed for diseases like diabetes and obesity. While xylitol may not be harmful in modest doses, as in toothpaste, excessive ingestion may increase the risk of blood clot-related events.

Xylitol in Everyday Products
Xylitol is a naturally occurring sugar alcohol that can be found in spinach, strawberries, and other foods. It is also manufactured commercially from birch trees, corncobs, and genetically modified microorganisms. It is frequently found in toothpaste, mouth mints, sugar-free gum, and other processed goods. The FDA lists xylitol as “generally recognized as safe” (GRAS), meaning food labels are exempt from having to list the amount added, even though it is widely used.

Implications and Future Research
The University of Zurich’s Dr. Juerg Beer and Meret Allemann stressed in their editorial how important and relevant the study’s conclusions are. They emphasized the fact that people with diabetes and obesity, who are already more likely to experience cardiovascular problems, frequently consume sugar-filled beverages. Beyond xylitol, additional sugar alcohols such as erythritol have also been associated in earlier research with elevated cardiovascular risk, which raises concerns.

Hazen’s team demanded additional research thorough investigation to validate these preliminary results and gain a deeper comprehension of the cardiovascular risks connected to sugar alcohols. This investigation should include long-term exposure studies and mechanistic investigations.

Despite the fact that xylitol has been praised for its low-calorie qualities, this new research raises concerns and calls for care. The possible cardiovascular hazards should be understood by both consumers and healthcare professionals, particularly in the case of heavy usage. To create safer standards for the inclusion of xylitol and other sugar alcohols in our diets, more research is necessary.

For more information on this matter, checkout the original article found here.


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