Is Fluoride Really Good for Me?

//Is Fluoride Really Good for Me?

Is Fluoride Really Good for Me?

Is Fluoride Really Good for Me?It may be difficult to believe fluoride is NOT good for you. We have been told by seemingly every dental professional that it is needed and good for us. In a world with store shelves stocked with fluoride toothpastes, mouth rinses, and even fluoridated nursery water, it is hard to believe that fluoride is NOT needed to prevent tooth decay.  In fact, there is no clinical evidence that supports the claim that fluoride “prevents tooth decay.” Clinical studies overwhelmingly show using fluoride has adverse effects on your long term health, especially when overexposed.
Miami dentist Dr. Theodore Herrmann is an IAOMT Member (International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology). The IAOMT has gathered data from studies performed around the world that clearly show fluoride is harmful. They state that fluoride is known to inhibit nearly all enzymes essential to normal health and metabolism. Fluoride is also a known thyroid suppressant. It also increases bone fractures, promotes arthritis, impairs glucose tolerance, and even leads to brain damage. The CDC (Center for Disease Control) classifies Fluoride as a drug, yet the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has never approved its widespread use on the public.
There were 378 cases of fluoride toxicity reported by the American Association of Poison Control in 2009 (i).  While no cases reported in 2009 resulted in death, they nevertheless illustrate a growing problem. Ingesting too much fluoride may lead to a variety of side effects that negatively impact oral and overall health.  The most popular brands of fluoridated toothpaste often contain enough fluoride to kill an infant. In light of the high number of fluoride toxicity cases reported every year in America, it is important for You to know the signs of overexposure to fluoride.
Are You Suffering from Overexposure to Fluoride? Do you or your family members have white spots on your teeth?  Our holistic dentistry team has compiled a list of the following signs that may be indications of overexposure to fluoride:
1.     Fluorosis – Fluorosis can be seen as “white-spots” on tooth enamel.
2.     Nausea
3.     Vomiting
4.     Diarrhea
5.     Abdominal Pain
6.     Headache
7.     Tremors, Seizures, and Muscular Weakness
The Wall Street Journal recently reported increased incidence of fluorosis among children, which has more parents concerned about the use of fluoridated toothpastes, mouth rinses, and municipal water treatment policies.
As South Florida’s home to Holistic Dentistry, Assure A Smile has long urged patients to avoid fluoride and has even suggested many alternatives to fluoridated tooth pastes. Many dental products are now available in fluoride-free formulas. Fluoride-free and Home-made toothpastes (click here for Assure A Smile’s Home-made tooth paste recipe) are effective or even better at killing the germs that cause tooth decay. Changing your toothpaste will reduce exposure to fluoride but may not be enough to protect you! Citizens and Local Safe Water Organizations have forced many municipalities to exclude fluoride in their drinking water. This includes many Florida communities, including Palm Beach County and Pinellas County. Assure A Smile is planning a grassroots movement to eliminate the addition of fluoride to the South Florida water supply. Stay tuned to our website for future details.
Assure A Smile has prepared this article to spread awareness about fluoride, fluoridated water, and the potential risks associated with overexposure. Readers are encouraged to take a moment to review Assure A Smile’s article on the 5 Most Common Sources of Fluoride to learn about the many sources of fluoride in consumable goods that contain large amounts of this potentially toxic mineral. Also Readers may contact or visit Assure A Smile for more information about fluoride and more Holistic Dental information.
Dr. Herrmann & the Assure A Smile Team are serious about providing superior dental care and proud of our dedication to our patients.  Our goal is to help you feel and look your best through excellent dental care, preventive dental care and patient education. Keeping patients informed extends beyond the walls of the office! Enter: The Miami Dentist Blog. The Miami Dentist Blog is an information resource assembled by Dr. Herrmann to help South Floridians lead healthier lives.
We invite you to schedule an appointment with “South Florida’s Home of Holistic Dentistry”, to experience the alternative to traditional dentistry!
Call our front desk directly at 305-274-0047 or request an appointment online at, today!

By | 2012-02-14T21:11:31+00:00 February 14th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Is Fluoride Really Good for Me?

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