The Best Foods to Eat for Healthy Gums

//The Best Foods to Eat for Healthy Gums

The Best Foods to Eat for Healthy Gums

Brushing and flossing your teeth on a regular basis keeps your mouth healthy. And, while you’ll need these formidable weapons to fight bacteria, you could always use some help. Most people underestimate the important role nutrition plays in our dental health. In addition to avoiding sugary sweets and harsh acidic foods, here are some foods that are healthy for your gums.

Fiber-Rich Fruits and Veggies

Salad greens are well-known for their overall health benefits. They’re also very effective at keeping mouths clean because they’re fiber-rich, requiring a lot of chewing to break down. Chewing away at toxic acids produces more saliva. Gum-friendly foods include raw spinach, celery, and cooked beans, all of which are high in fiber.

Ginger Roots

You might not have considered ginger root when looking for ways to get healthy gums, but it is a healing herb. Its anti-inflammatory effects maintain healthy oral tissue, and it’s one of the best herbs for preventing gum disease.


It takes a long time to eat an apple, which is beneficial for your mouth. Munching triggers a cleansing reaction that loosens plaque from gums and teeth.


To learn more about the importance of holistic dentistry in Miami and how to develop healthier habits for a better you, please visit us online.

By | 2024-05-09T02:35:07+00:00 May 19th, 2022|holistic dentistry Miami|Comments Off on The Best Foods to Eat for Healthy Gums

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