Tips to Avoid Sugar During the Holidays

//Tips to Avoid Sugar During the Holidays

Tips to Avoid Sugar During the Holidays

miami-dentist-healthy-sugar-cookie-recipeThe holiday season is right around the corner. It’s difficult to maintain a healthy diet during the winter festivities, often filled with sweet treats and decadent desserts, but sticking to your nutritional needs is pertinent any time of year. Although indulging once in a while is perfectly fine, keeping a balance of leafy greens, lean proteins, fibrous fruits and whole grains can curb those sugar cravings before they have a chance to show up on your waistline – or impact your oral health.
Follow these easy tips to avoid sugar overconsumption well through December:

Stay Away from Breakfast Pastries

What’s more satisfying than a warm chocolate croissant or piece of glazed coffee cake in the morning? In the short term, these cozy breakfast picks next to a warm cup of coffee ooze coziness, but the happiness they bring is short-lived. Just as you would any other time of year, pick a breakfast that’s both filling and energetic. A sugar high in the morning is sure to leave you with an afternoon crash and necessary nap, but consuming something more substantial will give you the energy for your holiday must-dos. Try a green smoothie alongside oatmeal dust with a sprinkle of brown sugar. This way, you get the nutrients needed to go about your day but also a warm comforting meal to get in the holiday mood.

Minimize Your Alcohol Intake

You’d be hard pressed to find a holiday party, whether it be Thanksgiving or Christmas, that doesn’t serve wine or cocktails. But, being boozy can lead you to overindulge on those caloric appetizers and sinful desserts. Plus, alcohol is filled with sugar which sticks to your teeth and can wreak havoc on your gums and mouth. One or two glasses of wine with dinner is typically okay, depending on your body weight and tolerance, but you can have just as good of a time by sticking to water or fresh-squeezed juice. If you do decide to have a few, make sure to have a designated driver pre-planned and only drink in moderation.


Temperatures may be low, but your need for H20 doesn’t diminish during the wintertime. Keep up with your regular water consumption routine – at least 64 oz per day – to flush toxins out of your system and bacteria out of your mouth. Water can also mimic a sense of fullness, which may help you cut down on the excess calories otherwise consumed at mealtime.
Overall, sticking to your normal routine with a hint of fun on the side is the best way to get through the holidays both healthy and happy. This way, you can spend your New Year’s resolutions on a long-term and worthwhile goal.
For more tips on staying fit for your oral health and overall wellbeing, follow Assure A Smile on Twitter and stay up-to-date on our dentistry blog. To schedule an appointment at our Miami office, call 305-274-0047 directly or use our easy online booking form.

By | 2016-11-14T12:00:50+00:00 November 14th, 2016|Nutrition|Comments Off on Tips to Avoid Sugar During the Holidays

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