

Should I Take Fish Oil Supplements?

Should I Take Fish Oil SupplementsAs a rule of thumb, whole foods are the best source of nutrition. Every rule has an exception, however. When it comes to a balanced diet, fish oil is one nutrient that consumers may have no choice but to purchase in supplement form. This is because fish oil is essential in promoting holistic health and well being, yet the body does not naturally produce it. High quality fish oil supplements can also provide the optimal balance of essential oils (omega-3s and 6s), which is something that is lacking in most American diets.

By | 2013-03-19T19:22:24+00:00 March 19th, 2013|Nutrition|Comments Off on Should I Take Fish Oil Supplements?

Is There Aspartame in My Milk?

Is There Aspartame in My MilkToday, it’s easy to see if a beverage contains aspartame. In accordance with Federal law, beverages that contain the controversial artificial sweetener must explicitly disclose such information on the label. Soon, however, consumers may not be able to tell which dairy products contain aspartame, and which do not.

By | 2013-03-11T14:05:38+00:00 March 11th, 2013|Nutrition|Comments Off on Is There Aspartame in My Milk?

How to Avoid Processed Foods

How to Avoid Processed FoodsProcessed foods are those that are prepared with the intention of being easy to consume. They are more convenient, longer lasting, and sometimes better tasting than 100% natural foods. However, a team of Dutch scientists recently produced a study indicating that processed foods may double your risk of developing colon cancer. At Harvard Medical School, another team demonstrated that processed foods that are rich in high-fructose corn syrup might also cause cancer, as well as obesity and type II diabetes. As the study of processed food and well-being continues, health professionals worldwide are beginning to warn consumers to pay close attention to the ingredients in the foods they eat.

By | 2013-02-11T03:00:07+00:00 February 11th, 2013|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on How to Avoid Processed Foods

Health Alert: Processed Foods May Double Risk of Colon Cancer

Health Alert: Processed Foods May Double Risk of Colon CancerAccording to the National Cancer Institute, colon cancer has the second highest mortality rate among all cancerous conditions (i). Each year, an estimated 140,000 or more Americans are diagnosed with colon cancer, making the condition the 4th most common type of cancer diagnosis. Alarmingly, the rates of obesity and processed food consumption have also risen alongside colon cancer rates. In light of these recent trends, health experts are asking a very important question: Are processed foods contributing to the spread of obesity and cancer?

By | 2013-02-07T00:34:16+00:00 February 7th, 2013|Nutrition|Comments Off on Health Alert: Processed Foods May Double Risk of Colon Cancer

Alarming Study Links Monsanto’s GM Corn with Cancer

Alarming Study Links Monsanto's GM Corn with CancerFor many, the idea of “genetically modified” (GM) crops does not sit well. Opponents to GM crops, like Monsanto’s corn, worry that genetically altering the structure of food can have a profoundly negative impact on the body when it is eaten. Unfortunately, a recent study published by the University of Caen in France has validated such concerns.

By | 2012-10-30T23:23:57+00:00 October 30th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, News, Nutrition|Comments Off on Alarming Study Links Monsanto’s GM Corn with Cancer

Alcohol in Mouthwash Linked to Oral Cancer

Alcohol in Mouthwash Linked to Oral CancerMouthwashes are marketed as a healthcare item, but recent research suggests that those that contain alcohol may cause an increased risk in oral cancer. Extended use of alcohol-containing mouthwashes can change the pH of the mouth and throat and dry their mucous membranes, which is associated with an elevated risk of mouth and throat cancers.

By | 2012-10-14T21:23:21+00:00 October 14th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Alcohol in Mouthwash Linked to Oral Cancer

Sugar: The Friendly Enemy

Suager The Friendly EnemyToday, the average person consumes 150 pounds of sugar each year—nearly 20 times the amount consumed by the average person in the 18th century (i). Only about 60% of those calories are metabolized and converted into immediate energy; the remaining 40% are converted into fat molecules, stored, and reserved for energy production later. With this in mind, it is easy to see how sugar consumption is a key contributor to obesity. New research shows that excessive sugar consumption also leads to a number of other life threatening diseases, including type II Diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. Miami dentists have begun to spread awareness for this issue, warning patients to be weary of daily sugar intake not only to prevent cavities but to preserve total body health as well.

By | 2012-07-10T03:00:47+00:00 July 10th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry, News, Nutrition, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on Sugar: The Friendly Enemy
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