dentists in miami

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Miami Dentist Exclusive: Free Radical Damage, Part I

miami-dentist-blog-free-radical-damage-part-I.   Dentists in Miami are becoming increasingly concerned with free radical damage. Free radicals are malicious, unbalanced atoms that gradually destroy cellular structures over time. Eventually, the cell becomes dysfunctional and dies. A growing body of research is beginning to link free radicals damage with serious illness, causing physicians and health care professionals to educate patients on staying healthy with antioxidants.

By | 2011-03-16T02:34:50+00:00 March 16th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Miami Dentist Exclusive: Free Radical Damage, Part I

Miami Dentist Asks Patients About Heart Disease

miami-dentist-asks-patients-about-heart-diseaseMiami dentist Ted Herrmann often asks patients: Are your gums putting your heart at risk? Not surprisingly, this question is often answered with confused looks and shoulder shrugs. Not many Miami dental professionals are asking their patients this question, despite growing research that points to a serious connection between gum disease and heart disease.

By | 2011-01-05T02:38:30+00:00 January 5th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Miami Dentist Asks Patients About Heart Disease
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