
Free from Fluoride: 10 Million Protected from Water Fluoridation in 2014

Since 1990, the fluoride free movement has increased education, awareness, and fought for the freedom of choice for residents of communities around the world. According to representatives at the Fluoride Action Network, 2014 marks the single best year for the fluoride free movement to date. In total, the movement has eliminated fluoride in the communities of more than 14 million people globally.

By | 2014-12-29T03:00:05+00:00 December 29th, 2014|Fluoride in Your Water, News, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Free from Fluoride: 10 Million Protected from Water Fluoridation in 2014

Over 3,000 American Health Professionals Opposed to Fluoride

3000 Professionals Opposed to FluorideThe Fluoride Action Network (FAN) is a non-profit organization dedicated to spreading awareness for the toxicity of fluoride and the health impacts of current exposure. Over 3,000 American health professionals have signed an official statement with FAN, supporting the group’s efforts to educate the public about the potentially harmful affects of fluoride. Assure a Smile Miami Dentistry stands by FAN in spreading awareness for fluoride toxicity and educating patients on ways to avoid this readily available mineral.

By | 2011-08-30T02:12:27+00:00 August 30th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on Over 3,000 American Health Professionals Opposed to Fluoride
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