free radical damage

/Tag:free radical damage

Miami Dentist Exclusive: Free Radical Damage, Part II

miami-dentist-exclusive-free-radical-damage-II   In honor of National Nutrition Month, The Miami Dentist blog is happy to share part II our free radical article series. Today, I’d like to spend a little time following up this week’s guide to free radicals. In this article we’ll dive into how to implement simple dietary and behavioral changes to both prevent free radical damage, as well as reverse some of the effects.

By | 2011-03-17T03:35:21+00:00 March 17th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Miami Dentist Exclusive: Free Radical Damage, Part II

Miami Dentist Exclusive: Free Radical Damage, Part I

miami-dentist-blog-free-radical-damage-part-I.   Dentists in Miami are becoming increasingly concerned with free radical damage. Free radicals are malicious, unbalanced atoms that gradually destroy cellular structures over time. Eventually, the cell becomes dysfunctional and dies. A growing body of research is beginning to link free radicals damage with serious illness, causing physicians and health care professionals to educate patients on staying healthy with antioxidants.

By | 2011-03-16T02:34:50+00:00 March 16th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Miami Dentist Exclusive: Free Radical Damage, Part I
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