gum care

/Tag:gum care

Combating Gum Disease: Easy Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy

As a Miami holistic dentist, one of the most common [...]

By | 2024-02-21T19:55:40+00:00 February 21st, 2024|Gum Care, Holistic Dentistry, Miami holistic dentist|Comments Off on Combating Gum Disease: Easy Ways to Keep Your Gums Healthy

Treating Bleeding, Swollen Gums

Have you been ignoring the agitation caused by inflammation and infection along your gum line? Read this article to learn more about these symptoms, what they mean, how they affect the health of the entire body, and how they can be effectively treated to eliminate both infection and pain.

By | 2015-02-02T07:49:17+00:00 February 2nd, 2015|Gum Care, Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Treating Bleeding, Swollen Gums

Oil Pulling for Holistic Health

Oil pulling is an all-natural way to improve oral health. Although oil pulling is just now enjoying positive feedback from dental patients, it is actually an age old practice that originated in India thousands of years ago. It wasn’t until the 1990s that health experts in the Western world began recommending oil pulling as a way to naturally detoxify the body, particularly the teeth and gums. Today, many holistic dentists recognize oil pulling as a safe, easy, and inexpensive way to significantly reduce the risk of tooth decay, oral infection, and gum disease.

By | 2014-06-16T03:37:44+00:00 June 16th, 2014|Gum Care, Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Oil Pulling for Holistic Health

Miami Dentistry News: Dental Needs Among Children Are Growing

miami-dentistry-news-dental-needs-childrenOur Miami dental practice is fully committed to helping children develop strong oral hygiene habits at an early age. Studies show that good brushing habits, for example, significantly reduce the chances of developing serious illnesses like heart disease. Good habits start at an early age, however. Young children with good hygiene habits grow in to young adults with strong and healthy smiles. But is this happening? According to recent research, it is not. In fact, recent research indicates that over 80% of the Los Angeles area’s children are in need of immediate dental care (i).

By | 2011-05-20T02:09:06+00:00 May 20th, 2011|Miami Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Miami Dentistry News: Dental Needs Among Children Are Growing
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