gum disease

/Tag:gum disease

The Link Between Oral and Mental Health

Are you neglecting your teeth and gums? If so, you could be at risk for premature cognitive decline later in life. According to a new study published in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, aging adults with dementia also exhibit higher rates of oral disease.

By | 2016-05-02T03:00:55+00:00 May 2nd, 2016|Holistic Dentistry, News|Comments Off on The Link Between Oral and Mental Health

The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Happiness

There is a well-documented link between smiling, happiness, and overall quality of life. In one study, researchers found that healthy adults who reported high levels of life satisfaction also happened to be smiling in high school yearbook photos. Other studies show similar correlations between gum health, happiness, and life satisfaction. Read more to learn simple ways to improve health, strengthen teeth, and build happiness!

By | 2016-04-11T03:32:07+00:00 April 11th, 2016|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on The Surprising Link Between Oral Health and Happiness

Can Gum Disease Cause Arthritis?

Can gum disease cause arthritis? Physicians have been interested in the possible connection between gum disease and arthritis since as early as 1980. In one of the newest studies on periodontitis and swollen joints, physicians studied over 6,100 men between 1987 and 1998 to assess the prevalence of each condition. One shocking discovery: Of the men studied, those with severe gum disease were twice as likely to suffer with sever symptoms of Rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

By | 2016-03-14T11:45:45+00:00 March 14th, 2016|Gum Care, Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Can Gum Disease Cause Arthritis?

Why Do We Hate Flossing?

Difficult things are often the most rewarding. And when it comes to oral health, this concept is particularly true. Flossing is one of the most difficult habits to adopt—most children and adults recoil at the idea of having their teeth flossed during a dental cleaning, much less every night. Yet flossing is one of the most important oral hygiene habits to develop.

By | 2016-02-15T03:59:11+00:00 February 15th, 2016|Gum Care, Holistic Dentistry, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on Why Do We Hate Flossing?

This Valentine’s Day, Love the Gums You’re With

This Valentine’s Day, the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP) encourages men and women of all ages to love the gums you’re with. This health initiative spreads awareness for the holistic connection between the mouth and body—emphasizing the ways gum disease may significantly increase your risk of developing other serious illnesses. Visit this article to learn more about the AAP, gum disease, and ways to prevent serious illness.

By | 2016-02-08T03:34:23+00:00 February 8th, 2016|Gum Care, News, Strong Teeth|Comments Off on This Valentine’s Day, Love the Gums You’re With

AAP Reports Gum Disease May Cause Respiratory Infection

Holistic dentistry studies the connections between the mouth and the rest of the body. In past articles, we’ve explored how gum disease can increase the risk of heart disease. This mouth-body connection is just one of many examples that show how each piece of the human body is connected to the next. Below are two new studies that indicate another connection, one that may surprise most readers.

By | 2016-02-02T07:56:33+00:00 February 2nd, 2016|Holistic Dentistry, News|Comments Off on AAP Reports Gum Disease May Cause Respiratory Infection

Diabetes Patients at Higher Risk for Periodontal Disease, According to AAP

According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), men and women who suffer with diabetes are at a higher risk for developing periodontal disease (gum disease). For medical professionals, the new link is just another piece of evidence illustrating the complex and interconnected nature of the human body. But for adults who suffer with type I or II diabetes, the research is a clear warning to stay vigilant in the fight against oral infection and tooth decay.

By | 2016-01-24T18:28:26+00:00 January 24th, 2016|Holistic Dentistry, News|Comments Off on Diabetes Patients at Higher Risk for Periodontal Disease, According to AAP

Does Gum Disease Cause Heart Disease?

Does gum disease cause heart disease? According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), there is strong evidence in support of the answer yes. And with 47% of American adults suffering with periodontal (gum) disease, the number of individuals at high risk for cardiovascular issues like heart attack and stroke is staggering.

By | 2016-01-17T21:59:20+00:00 January 17th, 2016|Gum Care, Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Does Gum Disease Cause Heart Disease?
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