Harvard School of Public Health

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Scientific World Journal Calls for Critical Review of Fluoridated Public Water

A new article published in The Scientific World Journal has doctors, researchers, and health agencies from around the world reconsidering the potential harm caused by fluoridated public water. Water fluoridation is a controversial topic. On one side, the pro-fluoride lobby insists fluoride is essential in preventing widespread tooth decay. Fluoride proponents believe the mineral strengthens tooth enamel, making it more difficult for acid-producing plaque to cause cavities and dental caries.

By | 2014-04-25T19:38:26+00:00 April 25th, 2014|Fluoride in Your Water|Comments Off on Scientific World Journal Calls for Critical Review of Fluoridated Public Water

Freedom of Choice: Lessons Learned from Portland’s Fluoride-Free Victory

Freedom of Choice- Lessons Learned from Portland’s Fluoride-Free VictoryAt the end of 2012, Portland city council members met behind closed doors in an attempt to pass a public water fluoridation mandate. When word of the council’s plan leaked, citizens sprang into action, collecting an unprecedented 400,000+ signatures to bring the controversial decision to the public for a vote. Six months have passed since that time, and we're happy to announce that the residents of Portland have successfully voted to keep public water free of fluoride. So, what can we learn about Portland’s recent underdog victory against the pro-fluoride lobby?

By | 2013-06-10T12:49:19+00:00 June 10th, 2013|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Freedom of Choice: Lessons Learned from Portland’s Fluoride-Free Victory

Portland, Oregon Successfully Votes ‘NO’ on Water Fluoridation

Portland, Oregon Successfully Votes NO on Water FluoridationPortland Uses Science and Integrity to Defeat Fluoridation the headlines read, accompanied by photos of cheering crowds and bright, smiling faces. Residents of Portland, Oregon, have successfully voted against a recently proposed water fluoridation program, keeping more than a half million Americans safe from the potentially toxic side effects of fluoridated water. Residents voted against the fluoridation proposal 61% to 39%, sealing what many are calling one of the most significant victories against the controversial practice to date.

By | 2013-06-03T07:15:58+00:00 June 3rd, 2013|Fluoride in Your Water|Comments Off on Portland, Oregon Successfully Votes ‘NO’ on Water Fluoridation

Wichita Paper Misleads Residents, Says Harvard Fluoride Study is ‘Not Applicable’

Wichita Paper Misleads Residents, Says Harvard Fluoride Study is ‘Not Applicable’Is adding fluoride to public drinking water a good thing? For many, the answer seems obvious: Yes. Television commercials, oral hygiene products, and even traditional dentists actively endorse fluoride as a safe and effective way to prevent tooth decay. Many are surprised to learn, however, that there is no clinical evidence to support such a claim. The tide is beginning to turn, and communities across America are putting an end to water fluoridation programs that are not only a danger to residents, but also an unnecessary cost to the municipality.

By | 2013-03-25T03:00:20+00:00 March 25th, 2013|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Wichita Paper Misleads Residents, Says Harvard Fluoride Study is ‘Not Applicable’
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