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Misconceptions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry focuses on making positive changes to the teeth and oral tissues. Unfortunately, patients sometimes see cosmetic dental procedures as unnatural, artificial, or unnecessary. An overwhelming amount of research suggests otherwise, indicating that cosmetic procedures can actually spur far-reaching improvements in holistic health. It's easy to see how cosmetic enhancements like bonds, dental implants, and orthodontics improve the structure, alignment, and physical health of the mouth. But studies also show cosmetic procedures help patients to live healthier and happier lives by providing less obvious improvements to mental and emotional well being.

By | 2014-01-21T10:28:34+00:00 January 21st, 2014|Cosmetic Dentistry|Comments Off on Misconceptions About Cosmetic Dentistry

Can Chelation Therapy Fight Cardiovascular Disease?

Can Chelation Therapy Fight Cardiovascular DiseaseSince the 1950s, chelation therapy has been a leading doctor-recommended treatment option for individuals suffering with heavy metal poisoning. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved use of chelation therapy for more than 40 years, deeming it a “safe” and “effective” treatment for lead poisoning in particular (i). The American Cancer Society has likewise promoted chelation therapy, naming it “one of several effective treatments” for heavy metal poisoning in general (ii). Heavy metal detoxification—whether by way of chelation therapy or other methods—is an essential part of maintaining holistic health and wellness. The human body cannot break down and flush heavy metals on its own, which may lead to potentially toxic and life threatening accumulation.

By | 2013-01-28T03:00:58+00:00 January 28th, 2013|Holistic Dentistry|Comments Off on Can Chelation Therapy Fight Cardiovascular Disease?

Vitamin K and Your Holistic Health

vitamin K and Your Holistic HealthVitamin K refers to two fat-soluble vitamins, Vitamin K1 and Vitamin K2. Vitamin K1, or phylloquinone, is made by plants and is the primary source of Vitamin K that humans obtain through food. Vitamin K2, or menaquinone, is typically produced in the large intestine by bacteria; this function is improved with the presence of cultured milk, like yogurt, in the diet. Vitamin K is an essential nutrient necessary for blood clotting and regulating the body’s normal blood clotting process. When there is a skin wound, even a simple cut, the body needs sufficient blood clotting ability to the close the wound and prevent excessive bleeding. On the other hand, blood needs to flow throughout the body freely without forming clots that would block an otherwise functioning blood vessel. Vitamin K is also needed for bone health, as it may reduce bone loss and decrease the risk of bone fractures. It also helps build strong bones, as well as protecting bones from weakening or fracturing. For this reason, Miami dentists encourage patients to maintain a diet that is rich in vitamin K to help strengthen tooth enamel. Holistic dental professionals also believe that diets that are rich in vitamin K help to improve overall oral health.

By | 2012-06-04T03:00:28+00:00 June 4th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on Vitamin K and Your Holistic Health

Potassium: Your Key to a Healthier Lifestyle

Potassium: Your Key to a Healthier LifestylePotassium is a dietary mineral that is essential for normal body function. It is a nutrient that the body uses to maintain electrolyte and fluid balance, and it is found both inside and outside of cellular fluid. An essential mineral, potassium also plays many vital roles in the human body, and it often works with sodium to keep it operating properly. Potassium, a positively charged ion, is actively pumped into the cell while sodium is pumped out, creating an electrical charge in the cell membrane. Miami dental professionals recommend patients get plenty of potassium to improve many aspects of overall health.

By | 2012-05-14T03:00:05+00:00 May 14th, 2012|Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry|Comments Off on Potassium: Your Key to a Healthier Lifestyle

Research Links Oral Health with Obesity

Research Links Obesity with Oral HealthHolistic dentistry has linked oral health with just about every physical and nonphysical part of the human body. Now, British researchers have discovered a link between oral health and obesity. The study examined periodontal pockets and body mass index (BMI), concluding that higher BMIs are correlated with deeper periodontal pockets. This research evidences the need for overall wellness reflection when considering oral health.

By | 2011-07-19T03:46:00+00:00 July 19th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, Nutrition|Comments Off on Research Links Oral Health with Obesity

Assure a Smile Exclusive: Potassium and Heart Health

miami dentist exlusive sodium potassiumAs the center of the circulatory system, the heart is often hailed as one of our most vital organs. Function would not be possible without this involuntary pump, which sends oxygenated blood throughout the body to facilitate everything from basic muscle movements to complex mental cognitions. When it comes to extending the life of you heart, new research suggests that the mineral Potassium is just what the doctor ordered.

By | 2011-07-13T03:12:53+00:00 July 13th, 2011|Holistic Dentistry, News, Nutrition|Comments Off on Assure a Smile Exclusive: Potassium and Heart Health
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