How Often Should You Pay Your Holistic Dentist a Visit?

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How Often Should You Pay Your Holistic Dentist a Visit?

Have you recently been to the dentist? If so, good for you. People who visit the dentist at least once per year tend to have a more positive opinion of their smile. Plus, a regular dentist visit reduces the odds of needing a filling or worse, removal of a tooth. So, how often should you go?

While most people can get away with a dental cleaning twice a year, some factors may require paying additional visits to the dentist. Do you eat a lot of sweets? Are you not brushing your teeth twice a day and flossing regularly? These two are common reasons to visit your dentist more consistently. Then again, you may have braces or a chronic long-term health condition like diabetes. Holistic dentistry focuses on how the entire body and the teeth are closely intertwined, so a health issue like diabetes must be taken seriously to ensure your teeth are in good shape and you’re following a proper diet.

This update is by Assure a Smile, the longest-tenured holistic dental practice in Miami. Our top priority is to provide patients with all-encompassing oral health care that safely improves oral health and wellness. By helping patients look and feel their best through a holistic dentistry approach, we strive to empower patients to make informed lifestyle choices that result in strong teeth, healthy gums, beautiful smiles, and optimum vitality. For more information on holistic dental care, an Invisalign dentist, CEREC technology, or to schedule an appointment with a holistic dentist, please visit or call 305-274-0047.

By | 2019-09-05T22:11:52+00:00 September 5th, 2019|Holistic Dentistry, Invisalign, Miami Invisalign, News, Oral Health|Comments Off on How Often Should You Pay Your Holistic Dentist a Visit?

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