Assure A Smile Supports a ‘Fluoride-Free Florida’

//Assure A Smile Supports a ‘Fluoride-Free Florida’

Assure A Smile Supports a ‘Fluoride-Free Florida’

Assure A Smile Supports a Fluoride Free FloridaSince the early 1900s, American citizens have been led to believe that fluoridated water helps to strengthen tooth enamel and prevent tooth decay. However, there is a wealth of research that indicates fluoride exposure may cause serious bodily harm. Fluoride has been shown to accumulate in vital soft tissues, like the Pineal Gland of the brain, and it may cause severe damage to the kidneys, reproductive system, and may even lower IQ scores among children.
In this light, it is easy to see why holistic dentistry professionals and fluoride-free water advocates believe that supplementing public drinking water with fluoride is ineffective, costly, and potentially toxic to residents. The past year has seen many victories in the fight for a fluoride-free America, including:
1. Wichita (KS), Portland (OR), and Santa Fe (NM) have rallied in protest to public fluoridation policies, turning out in record numbers to vote to end water fluoridation in their communities.
2. Citizens of O’Fallon, Missouri, successfully lobbied for the reevaluation and eventual ban on public water fluoridation. Following the ban, city officials conceded that eliminating the water fluoridation program improved working conditions at the public water treatment facility while also saving the city upwards of $18,000 annually.
3. Here in Florida, the Fluoride Free Florida movement has begun to unite citizen-activists in an effort to spread awareness for the dangerous of water fluoridation in Florida communities.

More on Fluoride Free Florida

Assure A Smile stands with Fluoride Free Florida in the fight to remove fluoride from public drinking water. Fluoride Free Florida is an alliance of concerned citizens with a common goal: Eliminate the dangerous and costly practice of community water fluoridation.
To learn more about Fluoride Free Florida, readers are invited to visit the organization online to:

  • Spread Awareness: Download / distribute handouts on the dangers of water fluoridation.
  • Contribute News: Send news to Fluoride Free Florida about water fluoridation issues in your local community.
  • Lobby for Change: Register to speak before the County/City Council, and let your community leaders know that you are opposed to potentially toxic water fluoridation.

Making an Informed Decision About Fluoride

Fluoride is a non-essential nutrient that is not needed for a single biological process in the human body. Several studies indicate that the mineral can be toxic when ingested in large amounts, accumulating in the Pineal Gland, kidneys, and other vital body organs. This health report has been created to help individuals better understand the misinformation surrounding the topics of fluoride, fluoridated water, tooth decay, and overall health.
To learn more about these topics, readers are invited to visit the following health reports on the Miami Dentist Blog:
Is Fluoride Good For Me? Read more about the general ways in which fluoride may adversely affect your overall health. Learn to spot the signs of overexposure, including fluorosis, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, headache, and more.
Can You Be Allergic to Fluoride? Some individuals may be predisposed to fluoride allergy. Visit this article to learn more about allergic reactions to fluoride, and explore alternative methods of preventing tooth decay.
Can Fluoride Toothpaste Cause Death? According to the Journal of Dental Research, the fluoride content in a single tube of fluoridated toothpaste is toxic enough to kill a child under the age of 9. Visit this article to learn more about the danger of fluoridated toothpastes.
Fluoride’s Effect on the Brain. Explore the results of more than 18 human trials conducted across the world that demonstrate the negative effects of fluoride on brain health. From low IQ scores to structural brain damage, learn how fluoridated water may cause long term brain damage by accumulating in the soft tissue of the brain.
This special health report has been produced by Assure a Smile, South Florida’s Home of Holistic Dentistry. For more information, readers are invited to visit the URLs in the Sources section below. Readers may also schedule an appointment with a Miami dentist online, or call our front desk directly at 305-274-0047.

By | 2013-01-21T03:00:47+00:00 January 21st, 2013|Fluoride in Your Water|Comments Off on Assure A Smile Supports a ‘Fluoride-Free Florida’

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