Can Fluoride Toothpaste Cause Death?

Can Fluoride Toothpaste Cause Death?

According to the Journal of Dental Research (Whitford 1987, 1990), there is enough fluoride in a tube of children’s fluoride toothpaste to kill an average-weighing child under the age of 9.  Why else would the FDA require the following warning label on fluoride toothpaste?
“WARNING: Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If you accidentally swallow more than used for brushing, seek professional help or contact a poison control center immediately.”
The 1984 Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products rates lead’s toxicity at 3-4, while fluoride is rated at 4 (3 = moderately toxic; 4 = very toxic).
Adults can absorb up to 0.5 mg of fluoride each time they brush. Small children, even when using a pea-sized amount of fluoridated toothpaste can absorb the same amount of fluoride, especially children with less swallowing-control skills. There can be up to 4,000 ppm of sodium fluoride in a tube of toothpaste compared to the EPA’s safe water standard for fluoride at 4 ppm.
Children, as well as elderly people and those with impaired kidney function, are warned to monitor their fluoride intake, as they are at an even higher risk of fluoride poisoning. Kidney impairment has been shown at as little as 0.4 ppm.
The “Probably Toxic Dose” (PTD) of fluoride is 5 mg/kg (5 mg of fluoride for each kilogram of bodyweight), and the Journal of Dental Research defines the PTD “as the dose of ingested fluoride that should trigger immediate therapeutic intervention and hospitalization because of the likelihood of serious toxic consequences.” According to, “All fluoride toothpastes sold in the United States, including flavored toothpastes specifically marketed to children, contain the minimum lethal dose of fluoride.”
“It may be concluded that if a child ingests a fluoride dose in excess of 15 mg F/kg, then death is likely to occur.  A dose as low as 5 mg F/kg may be fatal for some children.” [Whitford G. (1996). Fluoride Toxicology and Health Effects. In: Fejerskov O, Ekstrand J, Burt B, Eds. Fluoride in Dentistry, 2nd Edition. Munksgaard, Denmark. p 171.]

Minimum Lethal Dose of Fluoride Contained in One Tube of “Colgate for Kids” Toothpaste

Age of Child Average Weight Threshold for Lethal Fluoride Dose Percent of “Colgate for Kids” toothpaste which, if swallowed, could kill child**
2 years ~12 kg 60 mg 42% of tube
3 years ~15 kg 75 mg 53% of tube
4 years ~16 kg 80 mg 56% of tube
5 years ~18 kg 90 mg 63% of tube
6 years ~20 kg 100 mg 70% of tube
7 years ~22 kg 110 mg 77% of tube
8 years ~25 kg 125 mg 87% of tube
9 years ~28 kg 140 mg 98% of tube

**The fluoride concentration in Colgate for Kids toothpaste is 1,100 ppm.  At 130 grams of paste in the average tube, this equals 143 milligrams of fluoride.

Learn More About Fluoride on the Miami Dentist Blog

Assure a Smile has compiled the following articles to help South Florida residents learn more about the health issues surrounding fluoride.  To date, there is no clinical evidence supporting the claim that fluoride “prevents tooth decay.”  Instead, a growing body of research shows that fluoride can be toxic and pose serious health risks.  Readers are invited to visit the following articles on the Miami Dentist Blog to learn more:
Is Fluoride Really Good for Me?:  It may be difficult to believe, but fluoride is not good for you.  A total of 378 causes of fluoride toxicity were reported in 2009 alone, illustrating that overexposure to this deadly mineral is a very real issue.  This article introduces readers to the International Academy of Oral Medicine & Toxicology (IAOMT), an organization that gathers research data from around the world to promote awareness and general knowledge for a range of medical topics, including fluoride toxicity.  Broad and informative, this article is a good starting point for patients who are new to issues regarding fluoride toxicity.
Government Recommends Less Fluoride:  In January 2011, the U.S. Federal Government issued an official warning that exposure to fluoridated water, toothpastes, and other consumer products may be causing fluorosis in children.  This article provides coverage of that historical event and contains a Fluorosis FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) guide to help parents learn more about the condition.
Opposed to Fluoride:  Over 3,000 health professionals in North America have endorsed the Fluoride Action Network (FAN), a non—profit organization committed to spreading awareness for the harmful side effects of public water fluoridation.  Read more about the Fluoride Action Network in this article, and learn why the “fluoride opposition” has gained the attention of health professionals, research institutions, and governmental agencies worldwide.
Do You Need Fluoride to Prevent Tooth Decay? Patients are always startled to hear that there is no clinical evidence that supports the claim that fluoride “prevents tooth decay.”  Instead, fluoride is a potentially lethal mineral that is not needed to promote a healthy and beautiful smile.  Learn to spot the signs of overexposure, including fluorosis, nausea, headache, and abdominal pain.  Then, learn all-natural and proven ways to prevent tooth decay without using fluoride.
The Evils of Fluoride:  Dr. Herrmann addressed the “evils of fluoride” in a lecture at the Positive Alternative Therapies in Healthcare (PATH) January meeting.  Learn more about fluoride, the side effects of overexposure, and why fluoridated public water poses serious health risks for babies and young children.
Fluoride’s Effect on the Brain:  Research organizations from around the world have released documented evidence that fluoride toxicity adversely affects the brain.  Research shows fluoride may damage numerous areas of the brain, impair cognitive functions, and impede healthy mental development.  Visit this article to learn more about these studies, and visit the Q&A section at the bottom to learn how you can limit your exposure to fluoride.

Fluoride-Free Dentistry at Assure a Smile

Assure a Smile practices holistic dentistry, a minimally invasive approach that views the teeth and gums as representative of total body health.  Our practice believes that strong oral health is the product of a healthy lifestyle.  We promote holistic health and wellness during the examination, consultation, and treatment of each patient.  Our dental treatments use only safe, bio-compatible materials and are “fluoride-free” procedures.  To learn more about holistic dentistry, schedule an appointment with Assure a Smile online or call our friendly front desk at 305-274-0047.
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By | 2012-06-25T01:51:51+00:00 June 25th, 2012|Fluoride in Your Water, Holistic Dentistry, Miami Dentistry, Water Fluoridation|Comments Off on Can Fluoride Toothpaste Cause Death?

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