Is Baby Water with Fluoride Safe for Infants?

//Is Baby Water with Fluoride Safe for Infants?

Is Baby Water with Fluoride Safe for Infants?

Baby water with fluoride claims to help children develop strong and healthy teeth. Studies by the Harvard School of Public Health claim otherwise, calling fluoride a potentially toxic mineral that seems to cause “chemical brain drain” in children (i). Nestlé, the leading brand behind the new fluoride water for babies, must now answer serious questions about fluoride and children’s health as the U.S. Court of Appeals has agreed to hear oral arguments from a mother whose daughter allegedly developed dental fluorosis as a result of the fluoridated bottled water.
For many holistic Miami dentists, the Harvard research and looming lawsuit both point to a simple truth: Water fluoridation is a poorly regulated and dangerous practice that can cause serious harm to both children and adults.

Fluoride in Bottled Water for Babies

The topic of fluoride, bottled water, and baby health has taken center stage as Ms. Michelle Nemphos files suit against Nestlé Waters for deceptively marketing a special type of fluoride bottled water as being particularly beneficial for young children. Labeled with the tag line, “the one designed with kids in mind,” the bottled water targets families with promises of stronger teeth and better health due to the fluoride content of the water.
What most American families do not know, however, is that fluoride is particularly harmful for children under the age of 8 years old.

The Bad Side of Baby Water with Fluoride

Why is baby water with fluoride bad? In July 2012, researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health released an answer to that long-standing, controversial question. Collaborating with China Medical University in Shenyang, Harvard researchers analyzed 27 different studies and found “strong indications” that fluoride has an adverse affect on cognitive development in children.
Commenting on the study, adjunct professor of environmental health at Harvard stated:
“Fluoride seems to fit in with lead, mercury, and other poisons that cause chemical brain drain. The effect of each toxicant may seem small, but the combined damage on a population scale can be serious[…]”

Bottled Water That Contains Fluoride

The following bottled waters have been named in the case of Nymphos vs. Nestlé Waters North America, Inc. for containing hazardous levels of fluoride:

  • Nestlé Baby Water
  • Carnation Good Start Infant Formula (by Nestlé)
  • Gerber Baby – assorted foods (by Nestlé)
  • Danon Baby Water
  • Deer Park Natural Spring Water
  • Poland Spring Water

In addition to bottled water and baby foods/formulas, a number of other common groceries contain high concentrations of fluoride. For more information and tips for staying fluoride-free, visit 7 Tips to Avoiding Fluoride While Grocery Shopping.

Fluoride Free Dentistry in Miami

At Assure a Smile, toxic chemicals like fluoride and mercury-rich dental amalgam (silver fillings) are never used. Instead, patient exams and procedures are conducted using only biocompatible materials known to be less toxic and minimally invasive.
To learn more, schedule an appointment online or call our front desk directly at 305-274-0047. It is our pleasure to answer any questions you may have about fluoride free dentistry, holistic wellness, and the advanced technologies our practice uses to help Miami residents create Healthy Teeth and Gums for Life.
(i) “Impact of Fluoride on Neurological Development in Children.” Harvard School of Public Health. Published 25 July 2012.

By | 2014-04-21T03:00:10+00:00 April 21st, 2014|Fluoride in Your Water|Comments Off on Is Baby Water with Fluoride Safe for Infants?

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