Four Steps for Maintaining Healthy Gums

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Four Steps for Maintaining Healthy Gums

Every cleaning, check-up, and dental appointment at Assure a Smile includes patient education on how to prevent periodontal disease (gum disease). Healthy gums are not only essential for a beautiful smile, but they also aid in the development of immunity and the prevention of long-term sickness. Here are four simple steps to maintaining healthy gums:

Brush Your Teeth Twice a Day

Brush your teeth a minimum of twice every day. Due to plaque buildup, improper brushing can worsen periodontal diseases and irritate the gums. Daily brushing removes plaque, a bacterial film that sticks to teeth.

Floss Frequently

Food particles frequently become trapped between the teeth and along the gum line during meals. A toothbrush may not be able to remove all of the food residue. Therefore, dentists advise flossing after brushing and before large meals to eliminate plaque and prevent bacteria from spreading.

Rinse Regularly

Patients can enhance their gum health by rinsing with an alcohol-free mouth rinse formulated to hydrate the gums and minimize biofilm accumulation. Oil pulling is also recommended by our holistic dentist in Miami practice to boost gum health. Oil pulling is a natural approach to clean the gums and sensitive oral tissues that is both safe and effective. Oil pulling can also help to cleanse the body of impurities over time.

Maintain a Well-balanced Diet

A nutritious diet, of course, is essential for preventing hazardous chemicals from entering the mouth in the first place. Consider changing your diet to eliminate foods that adhere to tooth enamel, cause plaque, and promote the spread of bacteria.

Regular visits to a dentist in Miami will prevent gum disease. Assure a Smile’s holistic and non-toxic approach to dentistry teaches patients how to maintain healthy teeth and gums for the remainder of their life.


To learn more about the benefits of holistic dentistry in Miami and how to create healthy habits for a healthier you, please visit Assure a Smile online or call our friendly front desk at 305-723-9589.

By | 2024-05-03T17:13:26+00:00 June 23rd, 2022|holistic dentist Miami, holistic dentistry Miami|Comments Off on Four Steps for Maintaining Healthy Gums

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