Discover the Benefits of Ozone Therapy

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Discover the Benefits of Ozone Therapy

Are you familiar with ozone therapy? You may immediately think of the ozone layer, but this type of therapy is also beneficial for your mouth. Ozone therapy is a strong approach to getting rid of oral infections by killing all types of bacteria.

When it is used for the treatment of cavities, ozone can kill any leftover bacteria in a healthy tooth so that a new cavity does not emerge. Furthermore, it can kill viruses that lead to those pesky, painful fever blisters and canker sores.

For dental purposes, ozone is effective against periodontitis and gingivitis. In a healthy nerve, it may be able to repair teeth with structural damage caused by decay if the bacteria is killed and the area is properly sealed against additional bacteria. This means there is less of a chance for having to take drastic measures such as a root canal. A dentist will kill the bacteria and use modern bonding techniques to seal the surface of the tooth against new bacterial infection.

This update is by Assure a Smile, the longest-tenured holistic dental practice in Miami. Our top priority is to provide patients with all-encompassing oral health care that safely improves oral health and wellness. By helping patients look and feel their best through a holistic dentistry approach, we strive to empower patients to make informed lifestyle choices that result in strong teeth, healthy gums, beautiful smiles, and optimum vitality. For more information on holistic dental care, CEREC technology, or to schedule an appointment with a holistic dentist, please visit or call 305-274-0047.

By | 2019-08-14T18:04:45+00:00 August 14th, 2019|CEREC Technology, Holistic Dentistry, News, Oral Health|Comments Off on Discover the Benefits of Ozone Therapy

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