What Are You Packing in Your Child’s Lunch?

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What Are You Packing in Your Child’s Lunch?

With most children back in school, you’ve probably been doing some planning on what to pack for their lunch every day. While most parents are understandably focused on nutrition, it’s also important to pay attention to how the foods affect the teeth.

For the most part, you can’t go wrong with a mix of vegetables and fruit. Applesauce is a common favorite, but it is packed with added sugars, which is something to keep in mind. You may also wish to limit or remove foods like pretzels or chips as these foods have processed, starchy carbs which can cause the mouth to become more acidic, which means greater odds of bacteria which then leads to tooth decay. On top of that, these foods can become stuck in teeth and may cause halitosis (bad breath) in your child.

Some snack choices you may wish to consider as part of your child’s lunch include cheese cubes or string cheese, nuts (unsalted), and fruits like strawberries which are nutritious and also help with rinsing the teeth. Celery and carrots are also good at fighting the effects of too much sugar and carbs by stimulating the production of saliva.

Don’t forget to encourage your child to drink plenty of water and encourage them to rinse/swish their mouth after lunch to get rid of lodged food particles.

This update is by Assure a Smile, the longest-tenured holistic dental practice in Miami. Our top priority is to provide patients with all-encompassing oral health care that safely improves oral health and wellness. By helping patients look and feel their best through a holistic dentistry approach, we strive to empower patients to make informed lifestyle choices that result in strong teeth, healthy gums, beautiful smiles, and optimum vitality. For more information on holistic dental care or to schedule an appointment with a holistic dentist, please visit https://www.assureasmile.com or call 305-274-0047.

By | 2019-09-18T22:16:53+00:00 September 18th, 2019|Holistic Dentistry, News, Oral Health|Comments Off on What Are You Packing in Your Child’s Lunch?

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