3 Reasons Why Staying Hydrated Is Important for a Healthy Smile

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3 Reasons Why Staying Hydrated Is Important for a Healthy Smile

Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body depends on water to function. If you’re one of those people who doesn’t drink enough water, you’re not only jeopardizing your health, but also your chances of receiving bad news the next time you visit your Miami holistic dentist. Here are three rea​​sons why you should drink plenty of water to maintain good oral health.


Reduces Dangerous Germs

In between brushing and flossing, a glass of water can help keep your mouth clean. It removes dangerous microorganisms that could otherwise remain on your teeth. By controlling harmful bacteria, you can lower your risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay, as well as other oral health problems. Even while drinking water after each meal is an easy approach to maintain the health of your smile, cleaning and flossing your teeth are still recommended.


Prevents Foul Breath

Although the foods you eat can contribute to bad breath, if the issue persists, it frequently comes from an overgrowth of bacteria in your mouth. Chronic foul breath, also referred to as halitosis, can be embarrassing, but oral hygiene adjustments might lessen the odor. In addition to brushing and flossing, water can aid in eliminating bacteria that are lingering in difficult-to-reach areas, such as the grooves of your tongue.


Keeps Your Mouth Moist

You generally don’t give your saliva much thought, but a healthy smile depends on it. A moist mouth minimizes bacteria in your mouth. Unfortunately, dry mouth can be caused by aging, certain medications, medical conditions, and heredity. The decrease in salivary flow provides the ideal environment for dangerous germs to flourish. Drinking extra water will keep your mouth moist and your smile in good shape.

Contact Assure A Smile Today!

To learn more about the benefits of holistic dentistry in Miami and how to create healthy habits for a healthier you, please visit Assure a Smile online or call our friendly front desk at 305-723-9589.

By | 2024-05-03T16:55:49+00:00 August 17th, 2022|holistic dentistry Miami, Miami holistic dentist|Comments Off on 3 Reasons Why Staying Hydrated Is Important for a Healthy Smile

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