Eco-friendly Oral Hygiene Products

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Eco-friendly Oral Hygiene Products

Taking care of the planet while taking care of your oral health is a win-win situation for everyone. When you hear the term eco-friendly, you may be inclined to think about the hassle that can come with it. Eco-friendly dental care does not have to be complicated. There are a few simple tricks to make your oral care routine more sustainable.

Every year, around 2-billion plastic toothbrushes are thrown away in the United States. Bamboo toothbrushes provide a sustainable and longer-lasting option for keeping your teeth clean. Many come with detachable brush heads to ensure you are keeping a clean toothbrush while still being eco-friendly. Many companies who sell bamboo toothbrushes are also waste-conscious and seek to reduce the waste from the production process.

Even your floss can be more eco-friendly. By swapping out plastic floss for floss made of bamboo fibers, you help reduce plastic waste and still keep your teeth ready for your next dental appointment.

Tablet toothpaste is a new trend in sustainable dental care. It is toothpaste in tablet form, made without water and pressed into a tablet. Pop them in your mouth when brushing chew until it is broken down into a paste, then wet your toothbrush and proceed as usual. Plus, most toothpaste tablets come in glass jars, which help eliminate the many pounds of waste from plastic toothpaste tubes each year.

Eco-friendly and oral hygiene does not have to be two different goals. By incorporating these simple concepts into your everyday routine, you can accomplish both.

Assure a Smile seeks to provide holistic dental care in Miami to help you enjoy a healthier lifestyle through proper nutrition, diet, and safe care. For more information on using holistic approaches for better oral health, schedule an appointment with your local Miami Dentist.

By | 2021-04-28T17:39:51+00:00 April 28th, 2021|holistic dental care in Miami, Miami dentist, News, Oral Health|Comments Off on Eco-friendly Oral Hygiene Products

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