How to Overcome Fear of the Dentist

How to Overcome Fear of the Dentist

Being scared of the dentist is a common fear. For many, sitting in a dental chair can cause anxiety and panic. It is estimated that 10% of Americans avoid the dentist out of fear. Some people fear the pain that could be associated with certain procedures like root canals or perhaps had a bad experience with a dentist in the past. Fear of the dentist does not have to keep you from getting dental care forever. Here are some ways that may help you overcome.

Find the right dentist for you. You do not have to go to a dentist just because your family did or because it is where you have always gone. Find a dentist that you can make a connection with who will listen to your concerns, that explains treatment options in easy-to-follow language, and places a value on your overall health, like holistic dentistry Miami.

Do not be afraid to ask your holistic dentist Miami questions. Dentists are prepped with years of intense schooling and years of practice, and we do not expect you to know everything. Asking questions to understand what is happening to your oral health and other procedures and practices can ease anxiety. Often, patients feel anxious with dental care because they fear the unknown, but getting the right information can put your fears to ease.

Book your appointment around your needs and schedule. Getting to the dentist on time but on your own time will help minimize stress from coming in. Make sure to set aside some extra time before your appointment to help prepare and relax before coming in. Take deep breaths and remind yourself of the truth.

Once you leave your appointment, you will likely feel confident about overcoming a big fear! One trip to the dentist will not completely eradicate your anxiety, but it gets better with time.

By | 2024-05-22T15:50:58+00:00 June 8th, 2021|holistic dentist Miami, holistic dentistry Miami, News, Oral Health|Comments Off on How to Overcome Fear of the Dentist

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