The Dangers of Glyphosate
Glyphosate is the most widely-used agricultural weed killer in the [...]
Glyphosate is the most widely-used agricultural weed killer in the [...]
Now, public frustration with fluoride side effects has been compounded by the general lack of oversight the industry employs when sourcing, delivering, and monitoring fluoride distribution via public water systems. Recently, Alaskan Senator Lisa Murkowski commented on this issue, reprimanding the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for failing to inspect fluoride additives that are imported from China and added directly to U.S. water supplies.
Water fluoridation has been hailed as one of the greatest achievements in public health of the 20th century, particularly in the fight against tooth decay and oral disease. However, an ever-growing body of research indicates that fluoride accumulates in the body and causes serious health issues. As scientists and health professionals increasingly warn Americans about the potentially toxic side effects of fluoride ingestion, one is left to wonder: Why is fluoride being added to our drinking water?
Fluoridegate—An American Tragedy explores this looming question, citing original research findings from as early as the 1950s that describe the dangerous side effects of fluoride exposure. Produced and directed by former President of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT), Dr. David Kennedy, Fluoridegate takes an uncensored look at the sordid history of water fluoridation programs and their true impact on public health.
Many U.S. wines contain fluoride levels that are too high to allow them to be exported to Europe and other countries that have lower fluoride limits than the United States. These wines often contain as much as six parts per million of fluoride, as compared to the Environmental Protection Agency’s maximum contaminant level for fluoride of four parts per million.
The kidneys are believed to be the most important organ in the human body in the fight against long-term fluoride exposure. Healthy adult kidneys are able to excrete about 50 percent of ingested fluoride and are responsible for preventing toxic levels of fluoride from accumulating in the body. However, adults who have kidney disease excrete about 10 to 20 percent of ingested fluoride, which increases their body burden of fluoride and increases their likelihood of fluoride poisoning.